Chapter 14

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Have fun ;)


After talking to Brian I went to sleep feeling very tired for some reason.
"Beautiful?" Ian walked into the room with his head lowered. "are you mad at me?" He asked sliding in bed with me.

"It depends." I said with my back to him.

"On what?" He asked hopeful.

"Did you apologize to the guys?"

"Why will I do that? I'm their alpha."

"Maybe because you almost send them to the hospital for no reason." I wanted to sound mad but I had no energy and I was so sleepy.

"No reason? They were hugging and kissing what's mine." he said a bit to loud for my liking.

"They're my friends. Now leave me alone. I need to sleep." I use the blankets to cover me and I heard him sighed and leaving but not before kissing my forehead even though it was covered by the blanket.


Maybe I shouldn't have being so aggressive towards my brother and his friends but I just couldn't help it.

"Ian?" Conner came into my office with a worried face.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a sighed.

"Samuel was right. They know you found your mate." he said carefully. "We've been detecting new scents all over the territory but we can't seem to find who it belongs to."

"Double the patrolling groups and have four of our warriors follow Blair." he nodded and was about to leave before turning around.

"You need to control your wolf better or next time you could kill my brother or even worse, yours." he said respectfully but I could tell he was mad at me and I don't blame him. My own mate is even mad at me.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what's wrong." My wolf, Sebastian has being extra protective of Blair than usual.

"Your under a lot of stress and it's not me who you need to apologize to. I'll go make the new arrangements for patrolling."

"Thanks." He nodded and left.

Now I need to make my mate happy.

Blair POV

Four days later................

I woke up hungry so I went straight to the kitchen. When I got there they were making dinner. I would help if I only new how.

Ian has being trying everything in his power to make me forgive him but the one thing I want him to do he hasn't. Stupid Alpha pride.

He give me flowers and chocolates the first two days, no surprises there. My heart would melt at the notes he puts in them but he needs to grow up and apologize for overreacting.

The last couple of days he has being away at the base. I wanted to go but he insisted that the pack needed at least one of their leaders to stay behind. I, on the other hand have being sleeping and throwing up from time to time. I think I catch a bag or something.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" Whitney asked as she saw me walked in. She has being worried sick from the moment she saw me throwing up yesterday.

"I'm fine but I still feel tired and I'm really hungry." I said and they laughed at me.

"Have you spoken to the Alpha?" Amanda asked.

"No. The alpha and I aren't on speaking terms yet." they looked at each other and sighed.

Loving my alpha mateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin