Reighla whips her head around and snarls. Horror rips through me. Not for myself, but for them, Shann and Royal. My breathing catches at the idea of Royal being hurt by Reighla. I don't know why but it does. Maybe it because if he dies that means I have to clean it up? Right? It has to be that. Yes, that's it. 

Royal grabs his bow and nocks back an arrow. Reighla flicks her finger to the left and it goes flying. Along with all of their weapons. She leaves mine where they are, she knows I won't harm her. Because I won't, I've thought about killing her many times, but I'd never go through with it. I hate her, but I don't at the same time. It's all very complicated.

"Watch your tongue human, or I'll have to rip it out for addressing me in such a rude manner." Royal's throat bobs at the threat. I pin my gaze on him, trying to get him to look me in the eyes. Look at me look at me look at me. I need him to look at me. But he doesn't and the scowl that creeps on my face I don't fake. Keep your fucking mouth shut. She will rip it out, you idiot. Royal's eyes catch mine, finally. I exhale through my nose and search him, proper horror dances through the green pearls. My heart constricts. I hate that she scares him, I hate the look in his eyes. The way he whispered "witch" earlier makes me think . . . maybe this isn't his first encounter with a witch. He shifts his gaze back to Reighla, I instantly feel worse. I want him to focus on me, I can help him through this. Please look at me, I beg through the Calling, he doesn't but I sense him tense all over, his pink lips are in a tight line, keeping his mouth shut. Thank the gods. At least he'll do one thing I asked him, even if the one I want him to do most might cost us our lives if Reighla catches on.

I don't know what's going on between us, but Royal is easy to talk to. As much as he annoys me .  . . the atmosphere seems clearer when it's just him and I. The green pearls I've grown to adore scare the living shit out of me, for the fact that so much emotion lies within them. I wish I could be like him, to express your emotions so freely in your eyes . . . it seems so easy, maybe he can teach me.

Reighla turns back to me and jerks her head up in silent command. I raise to my feet and hold my hands behind my back. Submission. Reighla loves it. Thrives on it. I learned quickly that I was Reighla's favourite, she couldn't break me as easily as Faune. She saw me as prey. The chase. To break me and make me hers.

I learned and adapted. I became her favourite. She's told me since the beginning that I was powerful and that we would make a beautiful pair. She wants my power, she wants us united. Marriage. She's been pressuring me since I was fifteen. Since I got my first bleeding.

She says I'm her Pairing. The one lover bound to a witch forever. You cannot decide who your Pairing is. You feel a tether attached to them, the other person has to accept the Pairing in order for it to take place. I have not yet, and she is waiting for the day I do, and become hers forever. It scares the living shit out of me.

Reighla is older than Moriella but looks like she's in her twenties. She's the most beautiful witch I've ever met. She's the Mother of all witches. She has created all of the witchlings but refuses to live with them in Winslynn. She lives in Krasmere as a noble. No one knows she's a witch. They're forbidden in Moriella.

"Why is it you're here Ember?" She uses one of her long onyx nails to tuck a curl behind my ear. "Of course, you are always welcome, but it is early. You woke up dear old Clarence." She flashes me a smile and her white canines slip out.

Indeed, I see Clarence waiting outside of the sitting room. He has a robe around him and his hair is a mess. Clarence's pale blue skin nearly matches his robe and his long purple hair is pushed away from his face. Showing his pointed ears.

Clarence is Reighla's favourite consort. Reighla has many consorts, but she has a soft spot for Clarence. He's nearly as old as she is, elf years are very different from human years. I understand why Clarence is her favourite consort, elves make excellent lovers. She took me to Tennia with her last year . . . I had a lot of fun.

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