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"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." - Aristotle

Book Three of the Infinite Gates Universe
Part One: Return to Zero

When legends were freed from their crystalline prison or when a Valkyrie fell from the sky, it was then, the whole world had no choice but to face a new reality: "Adapt and survive or fall behind on the evolutionary scale and die."

Everyone had their own way to cope with change, but it's not wrong to say when even a quarter of mankind was stuck in denial. Even after a year since the last sighting of the Valkyrie, there are still many who can't fathom the idea of powerful beings existing among us. With all the chaos and confusion overtaking the media, it was no surprise when around 10,000 innocent lives vanished from their homes in a single night without notice.

Only a few individuals of the unenlightened masses noticed and tried to reach out, but to no avail, they failed. While the populace of the world lived in ignorance and purchased their happiness with blood, we fought for our survival. When people blindly swore their allegiance, their voices were silenced and surrendered their free will.

The search for the disappeared faded without the attention of any major figure to speak out. Those responsible for erasing us from the fabric of society, it was clear they won this secret battle. No one was coming no matter how much the damned may scream.

Whenever there was silence, it was a clear sign to what happened to them. It was both a bearer of bad news and a blissful virtue. The experimental surgeries took place and soon the death rate quickly escalated from ten per week to hundreds a month. They wouldn't stop, no, they escalated their operations with tens of failures each day.

The doctors gave only half of us anesthesia, but the other half was forced to remain conscious and feel the pain. From even the slight movement of a scalpel to an electric shock to the brain, it was only a matter of time until they realized that all who were numbed to pain were destined to die. Once they noticed the connection, they stopped administering it and soon enough, they were met with their first success of enhancing a human being with extraordinary power.

Once they saw this hope, it was clear they did not rest until every subject underwent the procedure. The end result? Only seven lived, while thousands died. If the world knew of the inhumane experiment that took place on this godforsaken Earth, many could've been spared from the horror.

But who cares? The world clearly didn't.

The seven who survived the horrors couldn't consider themselves human anymore. After all, we are only living weapons.    

Author's Action and Dark Corner: Welcome to Living Weapons: Eclipse!

This prologue is vastly different from its original, which took place at the beginning of the LW Project. However, this one was 10 years ago (as of the publication of this chapter on 08/13/17).

You may have noticed the title says [Book Three of the IGU]. Don't worry! You can keep reading anyway. Each book of the IGU can be read at any order in Phase 1. There are no spoilers regarding the previous chronological works.

All comments before August 13th, 2017 were about the original Prologue, not the current version.

This book will have slow updates since I'm working on two books at once.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Welcome to the Living Weapons Project! Survival isn't an option.

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