Chapter 2

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"Come on Evie! We won't have enough time to get all of your things if you carry on dawdling" Hope called out, exasperated. Standing by the front door, car keys in hand, Hope looked longingly towards the stairs. If she looked for long enough, with a certain amount of willing, maybe Evelyn would be on time for once.
"I'm coming Grandma, I just need to find my shoes!" Evie shouted. 

Evelyn was often losing things, one might say she was careless, but she lived in her own organised chaos. Grandma Hope couldn't stand mess, she would often clean up after everyone around the house. This included Evie's bedroom, something Evie was not too happy about. You see, Evie knew where everything was when she was surrounded by her own mess, but as soon as Hope had tidied everything away, she found it nearly impossible to find anything. " Grandma, where did you put my little black brogues? I can't find them anywhere!" Evie bellowed with a slight attitude, from the top of the stairs. 
"They are in your wardrobe sweetheart, right at the back, on the left. Behind your summery sandals with the large pink flowers on." Hope replied. 
"Thank you!" Evie yelled. 

Finally, Evie came bounding down the stairs. Jumping off the second from bottom step, she skipped merrily to the car. With rattling keys, Hope locked the door behind Evie and made her way to the car, a battered, red Volkswagen GTI. Having only 3 doors, the girls were relieved that for today's trip it was just the two of them. Neither of them convinced, if the boys had come, there would have been enough room in the car for all the things they needed to buy. Though, Evelyn wasn't exactly sure how they were going to pay for it all. 

It was a long drive from Yorkshire to London, the drive was tiring and Evie could tell Grandma Hope would likely be shattered once they made it there. Remus couldn't take Evelyn to Diagon Alley, as he had some important business to attend to. However, he did say he would try and meet her there once he was finished. Grampa Lyall had meetings all day at the Ministry of Magic to discuss the latest regulations on magical creatures, so he couldn't come either. Evelyn was glad though, it meant she could spend some time with her Grandma. As a muggle, Hope didn't really understand much about the wizarding world, despite being married to one for more than 30 years. However, she knew the importance of a child's first trip to Diagon Alley for their school supplies. She reminisced taking Remus for the first time with Lyall, she had never seen a street so chaotic. Growing up in Cardiff, she hadn't been exposed to the busy, bustling streets one expects to see in London. 

After a long, daunting drive, the girls had made it to London. Parking the car near Charring Cross Road, Hope and Evelyn made their way towards the Leaky Cauldron. The Leaky Cauldron was a dark, dingy looking pub and the people inside were far more welcoming than the exterior would suggest. Upon opening the creaky, broken door Hope and Evelyn were greeted by the barman. "Good After - Ah Hope, how good it is to see you! How are Lyall and Remus?" The cheery, brown hair man announced. 
"Afternoon Tom, the boys are doing well. Off on important business today, hence I am here with Evelyn on my own," Hope replied. 
"Glad to hear it" Tom turned and bent down right in front of Evelyn "You must be Evelyn, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you. If you need help with anything, anything at all I'll be here." This man was kind, and Evie could see that he was sincere. Getting up so the two could begin their days work, Tom made his way back behind the bar, pulling a rag from the side to continue shining the glasses he had left on the counter top. It seemed as though Hope and Tom knew each other fairly well, as we walked through the pub, Tom gave Hope a big thumbs up and a cheeky wink, which made her smile. 

Standing there, at the entrance of Diagon Alley, Evelyn-Grey Potter was lost for words. She had never seen so many people in one place before, the streets were teaming with witches and wizards of all ages. A Large group of red headed witches and wizards rushed passed her, led by what seemed to be the Mother, followed a small girl and a tall, thin man with glasses. Not far behind them followed, identical twins, an older boy who walked upright and had aire of confidence about himself, and finally a worried looking boy who seemed to be paying more attention to the people he was passing than the authoritative beckoning coming from his mother. Evie couldn't help but think this boy had lost something, or someone. 

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