Chapter 23

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It had been well over a month since Evie had been petrified. Turned out the mandrakes weren't as ripe as previously thought, so they still were not ready yet. Harry hadn't been to visit in a few days and Evie was beginning to deteriorate. Her astro form wasn't able to go as far without becoming ill. As the days past by, she wondered how her family were. 

Evie had heard rumours of another attack but no one had arrived in the infirmary. 

It was a warm June day and Evie longed to go outside, she couldn't. Her astro form was sat in the window, basking in the summer sun, When Draco arrived holding his stomach. He didn't look poorly but he was complaining all the same, so Madam Pomfrey got him a bed. 

When she left to do other things Draco sat up and turned to Evie's petrified body. 

"I know you can hear me Evelyn," he said in a low voice. 

Astro Evie turned her head to look at him. 

"I've heard the rumours... that you can, I mean it sounds silly, but you can talk back can't you?" Draco doubted the words leaving his mouth.

Evie's heart dropped, How did Draco find out? It's not like Harry would have told him. 

"Look Evie," Draco sighed. "I wanted to check you are ok. You've been here for nearly 2 months and well if you can hear me, you must be going out of your mind..."

He waited. Evie came to sit next to him on the bed. 

Draco took in a sharp breath, "I wanted to come sooner but -" 

Evie placed both hands on his arm and interrupted him. "Then why didn't you Draco?" 

Draco turned, almost as if he could see Evie, and sighed. "You know I have a reputation, if anyone thought I was friends with you, especially as you are a potter, that would be it for me...Word travels fast, if my family knew-"

"You mean if your father knew, he would be disappointed," Evie interrupted again. 

"HA, that's the understatement of the year!" Draco said sadly. 

"I just don't get it Draco, why is being friends with me such a big deal?" Evie asked, expressing the hurt she felt. 

"You wouldn't understand!" Draco turned his head in the opposite direction. 

"You know, if Harry knew how much you had been helping me, he would see the side of you that I see." she expressed. Draco looked up, almost worried. 

"You two could be friends you know, don't worry, I haven't told anyone," she assured. 

Draco sighed "I know you haven't... My father just expects me to be a certain way - you don't know what he's like Evelyn... It's his way or no way."

"But I don't see-" Evie began to cough viciously but continued, "What that that has to-" her cough sounded horrendous but she battled through her sentence anyway, "do with me," she was feeling awful. Beginning to feel much weaker than she had done before, but she wasn't even away from her physical body, it was literally in the next bed, barely a foot away. 

"Evelyn are you ok you sound-" Draco was worried. 

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little off today. I used to roam the castle but I began to get sick the longer I was away from my physical body, so I've been confined to this room for the last week-" she laughed sadly. 

"It's getting worse?" Draco asked, concern etched all over his face. 

"Erm... no?" Evie said rather unconvincingly. 

"Evelyn you need to rest." the blonde Slytherin said sternly. 

"I'm fine Dra-" Evelyn was interrupted by Draco. 

"No, You're not," he said firmly.

He was right, Evie had been getting worse as the days went on and she knew it. In some ways she was glad no one had visited her this week, as she was really feeling worse for wear. "Draco, will you do something for me?" she asked warily.

"Anything Evelyn, what do you need?" Draco replied. 

"Will you- I mean, would you mind writing a letter to my family?" She asked sheepishly. "I haven't been able to write to them and with everything going on, Dumbledore won't let anyone onto the grounds," she sighed.

"Of course I will," Draco pulled a piece of parchment out of his bag, which had been sitting on the floor next to the bed. He sat upright as Evie dictated the letter for him to write, copying it down word for word. 

Dear Uncle Moony, 

I know everything is crazy here, but I don't want you to worry about me. I hear the mandrakes are almost ready, so I'll be fighting fit in no time. 

I'm sure you are wondering how I'm able to write, well I'm not. A funny thing happened, when I was petrified, which I will tell you all about when I'm back on my physical feet. The long and the short of it is, I can talk to the living if my astro form can complete the circuit, if you will. As long as both my hands are placed on the person I wish to speak to, then they can hear me. My friend Draco is writing this letter for me now.

I want you to know how much I love you, Grandpa and Grandma. You all mean the world to me and I wouldn't know what I'd do without you. Honestly, I am fine and in quite high spirits. 

Please stay safe. 

Love you so much, Always! 

Evie xoxo

When Draco had finished the letter he rolled up the parchment ready to post it. "You'll be ok you know," Draco said softly.

"I know," Evie replied quietly. 

"Rest now, I'll have my owl deliver this," he stated. 

"Thank you Draco," Evie spoke sincerely. 

With a nod, Draco got up to find Madam Pomfrey, telling her that he was feeling much better now. He also mentioned to her that Evie looked cold and ought to be given more blankets, "Especially as her hands feel the cold."

As Evie was drifting off to sleep, she thought it was sweet that he had remembered that. When they were practicing potions for the task, Evie would often complain of cold hands. To the point where Draco had brought a spare pair of winter gloves so that she would stop complaining and carry on with her training. 

Draco took one last look at Evie's petrified body, concern still carved into the boy's face, and left hurriedly to post the letter. 

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