Chapter 8

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Just as Cedric had predicted, Evie's first day got much better after potions. Though in reality, potions wasn't as bad as she had dreaded it might be. The awkwardness from the beginning of the lesson faded away once Snape paired the first years up and asked them to create the cure for boils that he had tested them on at the beginning of the lesson. 

Because of her outburst, Evie was paired up with Luna "In the hopes that you might teach the girl something" Snape said. Evie couldn't help but feel Snape had a certain dislike for Luna, but this couldn't have been from her first impression surely? Either way, Snape was rather more impressed with Evie. This was clear to see through the occasional nod he threw in her direction when completing a step in creating the potion, which Snape had magically written on the chalk board at the front of the classroom. 

Ginny had been paired with Hallie, Addie had been paired with a Gryffindor boy call Colin Creevey and all four of them had been placed on the same table as Evie and Luna. This gave the group some time to get to know each other as first introductions had been made and light chatter had been flowing when Snape was busy inspecting the other tables. 

Following potions was Charms with Professor Flitwick. Evie sat with Ginny, Addie, Hallie and their new acquaintances, as there were many more opportunities for conversation in Flitwick's lesson. The air was filled with laughter and the occasional groan as they were trying to Master the Wingardium Leviosa charm. Ginny managed to levitate her feather after a few goes and so did Addie. Evie managed to get her feather to lightly jump of the desk in front of her before it quick fell back down again. Hallie, Colin and Luna on the other hand, couldn't get the hang of it. 

The rest of the day flew by, before Evie knew it she was sat in the great hall finishing up her dinner and heading back down to the Hufflepuff common room. Flopping onto the floor in front of a great armchair while the other first years sat on the furniture, Evie let out a yawn. It had been a very long day, there had been so much to take in that she was feeling slightly overwhelmed. As she sat on the floor, the fire roaring she began to feel a sense of belonging. 

Sitting across from her were two boys, also first years. She and the girls had not had much chance to talk to them today, they were nearly late to potions, being the last two students to enter the room before Snape arrived. After that, the girls got swept up getting to know Ginny, Colin and Luna that they hadn't spoken to these boys properly yet. 

Although she was tired, she wanted to make the most of her first day so Evie introduced herself to the boys, "I'm Evelyn Potter by the way" she said waving her hand lazily in the air. "Everyone calls me Evie, we haven't had a chance to introduce ourselves yet. I'm a Half blood," she stated. 

"You're Harry Potter's sister, right?" said the boy with dark, chocolate brown hair. 

"Y-yes, I am," Evie stammered. 

"That's awesome, I'm glad we've got a Potter in our house," he said nudging the rather attractive looking blonde boy who sat next to him. "I'm Reginald Parkinson, but please call me Reggie - I'm only called Reginald by my mother when I'm in trouble," he laughed. "I'm Pureblood, I expect my father will be disappointed that I am in Hufflepuff. My mother and Grandparents will be chuffed though. My mother was in Ravenclaw and her parents were in Hufflepuff, guess I take after them!" he shrugged. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Reggie," Evie said with a smile. Addie and Hallie Eagerly listening in with the conversation. 

"What's your name?" Hallie said, questioning the quiet blonde haired boy sat next to Reggie. 

"Oh erm, I'm Leo Clark," the boy said looking around at everyone. "I'm, well you see I'm muggle born, both my parents are teachers in a muggle primary school. I don't have any brothers or sisters," he sighed. 

"They're teachers? That's awesome, I bet you were such a clever child at school," Addie said softly, trying to ease Leo's mind. Being the only muggle born first year in Hufflepuff must have been daunting. 

Leo laughed lightly "Well, Yes I was but that's because they use to push me to be the best. They were over the moon when I got my Hogwarts letter!" His dark blue eyes lit us as he began to talk more comfortably with the group. 

Hallie told the two boys that she was a Half-blood, her mum being the muggle. Evie found out that Hallie also had three brothers, two of them were older and one younger. Her eldest brother Henry was a muggle, he was pretty put out when her other brother Hugh got his Hogwarts letter. Hugh was in Ravenclaw, he was a year older than Harry, Evie figured this meant he was in the same year as Fred and George Weasley. 

Addie followed suit and told everyone that she was a pureblood. She has an older sister who is an Auror like their father. 

"What's an Auror?" Leo asked innocently.

"It's a dark wizard catcher, you know a bit like a magical police officer," laughed Addie, making all of the first years giggle. It was a good analogy. She went on to say that her older sister had been sorted into Hufflepuff too, she had been the Hufflepuff seeker. 

This got the group talking about flying the experiences they had on a broom. Reggie pointed to the prominent bump that was in his almost crooked nose "This bump right here was caused by a broomstick." he laughed. "Well it was because I fell off my broomstick. I was about 8 I think and I had been messing around on my broomstick in the garden when I fell off and broke my nose," he instinctively shuddered at the memory. "It hurt like hell but, Mum had told me I wasn't meant to be on my broomstick that day until she returned home. I was with my grandparents and they were not keen flyers at all, plus they were really busy sorting out the house for some big dinner they had planned so I was left to play on my own. I was too scared to go and tell anyone what happened..." he paused. "Mum came home 4 hours later, to me still holding my nose in the back garden. She was was furious! She tried her best to heal my nose but I was left with this bump," he said as he crinkled up his nose. 

The Hufflepuffs all laughed lightly. "I don't like flying," Evie said quietly.

"WHAT!?" The others all said in unison. 

"Well, when my Uncle tried to teach me to fly when I was little, I wasn't very good" Evie paused looking at the floor. "Every year he tried to get me to practice riding on one but I could never control it very well, I would wobble all over the place or shoot off at a dangerous speed - I has scared me stiff. I'm dreading our flying lessons," she stated. The others looked at her with sympathy, they knew the struggles of flying. Leo couldn't believe anyone would hate flying, if anything it was the lesson he was most looking forward too.

The group continued to chat in front of the fireplace for the next hour or so, before they could all feel themselves slowing winding down. conversation slowed and Evie was fighting to keep her eyes open. As she clambered up the side of the arm chair she had been leaning against she announced, "Right you lot, I'm off to bed it has been a very tiring first day." She turned to head up the steps to the girls dormitories "It was lovely to meet you both" she nodded towards Reggie and Leo, as Addie and Hallie soon followed behind her. 

Opening the door to their dorm, Evie Addie and Hallie quickly got changed into their pyjamas and snuggled into their beds. "What a day!" Hallie sighed. 

"Yeah, what a day" Addie and Evie echoed. 

"Night girls!" Hallie said sleepily. 

"Night," Yawned Evie. 

"Sweet dreams," Addie whispered. 

And with that, all the girls gently fell asleep. 

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