Chapter Twenty Seven: Girl Meets Unexpected Confessions.

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Maya's POV:

"Good morning Huckleberry." I sit next to where he's lying down on my bed.

He lets out a groan before opening his eyes. He smiles when he sees me and places a kiss on my cheek.

"I made you a bagel." I hand him a plate with a bagel and cream cheese on it.

"Thank you Shortstack."

Like promised Lucas let me go the night without telling him what happened between Josh and I. Now since it's morning, I'm having a hard time facing the music.

No matter what has happened in the past, I don't want to let it affect my future with Lucas. I know anything concerning Josh won't go over easily with Huckleberry because of all the history. If it would be the other way around I honestly don't know how I would feel. The only situation I've had to deal with that's similar to this one, is the triangle with Lucas, Riley and I.

And we all know how I handled that...

"Penny for your thoughts?" Lucas asks and snaps me out of my wondering thoughts.

He sets his plate down beside him and grabs a hold of my hand to provide comfort.

"Well do you have a penny?" I reply with a smirk on my lips.

"Haha very funny Hart." Lucas rolls his eyes.

"But seriously what's up?" He adds.

Well here goes nothing...

"I was thinking about how to tell you what happened between Josh and I..." My eyes don't dare to meet his. My head is turned away from facing him but I can feel his eyes stuck on me.

"Okay... So do you want to talk about it now then?" Just like his words, Huckleberry's tone is soft and kind.

He seems to be in a good mood. He's acting sweet and considering my feelings. I guess this is as good a time as any.

"It was the summer after the whole ski lodge incident. I had just started hanging out with Josh and his crowd more. Over time we got closer as friends and my feelings for him were slowly diminishing. I knew we were friends and I've accepted that nothing more will stem from that." I stop and look over at Lucas. He's listening to me attentively and his hold on my hand hasn't left. He nods at me encouraging me to continue.

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"We were at his friend's place and Josh had a little bit too much to drink. We all got to talking and someone asked if Josh and I were only friends. For some reason they thought we were more than that or have been together in the past." Lucas looks to be a bit more tense then he was moments ago, but his composure remains the same.

"They wouldn't let it go. They even asked us if we've ever kissed before. Josh was playing into them a bit too. One thing led to another and Josh and I kissed, only once though I promise." It feels as though my heart is beating outside of my chest.

Lucas is completely silent. His hand slowly leaves mine and he lets out a deep breath. I'm almost scared to look over at him but I do so anyways. His eyes aren't on me anymore, he's sitting with his arms resting on his lap and is eyes are glaring at my bedroom wall. I can only describe his expression as steely. Lucas is clenching his jaw, a trait he does when he has a lot on his mind and is feeling frustrated.

I hesitantly move closer to him. I place my hand on his cheek and slowly move his head so he can be facing me.

"Please say something." I plead softly.

My heart slightly aches when Lucas ignores me and move to stand up from my bed. His silence is powerful and his eyes haven't met mine yet. I can tell he's trying to process what I told him but I can see him getting more visibly angry. Lucas has his chest puffing in and out with each breath that he takes. I know I need to get him talking.

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