Chapter Eighteen: Girl Meets Confronting Old Friends.

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Maya's POV:

"I told you that everything was going to be fine." Lucas smiles over at me and I can't help but have his assuring words calm my aggravated nerves.

It's currently lunch time and Lucas and I are seated by our lonesome under a familiar big oak tree in the school yard. I was feeling pretty anxious because I haven't confronted any of my friends since everything went down, and neither of them confronted me. Whether it's Zay or Ella I feel as though I can't face them because I wouldn't be able to bare it if they actually thought all the rumours about me are true.

It would mean they never truly knew me.

"Let's just hope it stays like that..." I mumble under my breath.

As we continue to talk and eat out food, two figures soon come and stand before us. I almost don't dare to look up, feeling anxious about what is to come.

Both Lucas and I stop our conversing and look up at the two people whom I expected would have approached us.

The four of us are somewhat trapped in a staring contest. Lucas and Farkle are glaring at each other and I'm looking over at Zay with a somewhat exhausted and vulnerable look. He however, stares back at me sympathetically. Whether or not it was intentional a line has been drawn in the sand. It is clear that Huckleberry and I are the outcast, and because of this I hope what is about to happen will help
lighten our situation and not worsen it.

"Was there something you guys wanted to say?" I find myself saying before I can actually stop the words from coming out.

"I came to speak with Lucas." Farkle announces but he doesn't remove his stare of him.

"And I came to talk to you Maya." Zay adds and I can't help but notice how soft and delicate his tone is. I suspect that what he has to tell me won't be anything like I have previously feared it to be.

Lucas and I both lock eyes almost as if we are seeing if the other is okay with leaving with them. He gives me a slight reassuring nod before he gets up to stand with Farkle. They both end up being seated at the picnic table right in front of us. Huckleberry is facing me and Farkle's back is to me.

Zay then proceeds to take a seat blocking my view of Lucas.

"I know things have been weird since Thursday..." And so it begins.

"I know I haven't been around much but I wanted to let you know I'm not picking sides. I wanted to be there for Riley because I knew you had Lucas." He quickly explains and I can tell he is being very sincere.

"I'm open to hearing your side of the story if you'll let me? I told Riley I didn't believe you were capable of doing the things she accused you of." A smile appears on my lips at the kind words provided by Zay.

I guess I was overthinking before, maybe by me talking and opening up to Zay, I'll get the courage to confront my other friends as well. Hopefully they will be as open minded and understanding as him.

"Lucas slept over at my place the night of the party but I promise you he slept on an air mattress on the floor. Nothing happened." I quickly explain but Zay looks like he believes every words but has a few follow up questions of his own.

"But why is Riley so hellbent on the idea that you wanted Lucas too yourself or that you guys slept together?" Letting out a sigh I decide to come clean about the events playing a role earlier that day.

"Earlier that day Riley came to me asking about sex. She wanted to fix the problems in her relationship by sleeping with Lucas and I told her not to do it for those reasons. I told her not to do it if she isn't ready. Clearly she didn't like my advice and she accused me of being jealous." Zay's eyes widen in shock at the intimate details of my previous conversation with Riley.

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