Chapter Twenty: Girl Meets An Early Christmas.

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Maya's POV:

I can't believe it's been three months since Riley and Lucas broke up. The time has since flown by right before my very eyes. My life has changed so much over that time. I could hardly believe how my friendships altered and who I still have left in my corner. Zay, Lucas and I have become a trio of some sorts. Zay still goes back and forth between us and Riley and Farkle but I don't blame him. He shouldn't have to pick a side.

When it comes to me, Ella and everyone else we still talk but not as much as before. None of them have brought up the rumours, which I greatly appreciate but they have been giving me my space.

Last but certainly not least there's Josh and the twins. Over the last three months we have continued to hang out and grow closer. The situation with Josh and Lucas is still tense if not more than before. They both tend to throw jabs at one another whenever they can. I've come to learn not to say whenever I'm with the one of them. It's been an adjustment but I'll do anything to keep the peace.

"Did you have fun tonight?" A cheeky Nick smiles over at me before throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Of course I did." I smile lazily still feeling buzzed from the alcohol I consumed tonight.

"Good then my job here is done." He winks then proceeds to stumble towards my front door.

"Thank you for hosting Maya." Drew calls out as he follows his drunk twin brother.

Tonight was one of the chillest hangouts I've ever experienced. It was only filled with good vibes and I know tonight I'll be going to bed with a smile on my face.

"Next time I'm beating you at Uno Maya." Josh gives me a stern look despite his playful tone. I laugh at his statement.

"Yeah like that's gonna happen."  In response Josh just rolls his eyes before coming over to me and placing a simple peck on my forehead.

A smile grows across my lips instantly as Josh turns to walk out my front door. I'm happy I got to see all three of them before they left to spend Christmas with their families. Even though it will only be for less than a week, I know I would still miss them tremendously.

I make sure to lock the front door before half stumbling too my bedroom. My head feels cloudy from all the drinks I've had tonight but I try my best to focus my mind and thoughts. Once I make it into my room I change out of the clothes I have on and put my plaid pj shorts and my Calvin Klein sports bra for bed.

As I'm changing, my phone starts ringing like crazy. I only shrug it off and deciding to let it go to voicemail. I head to the washroom to wash my face to get ready for bed.

I can't help but have unwanted thoughts run through my mind about how different my life has changed in the last year. Last Christmas was one I would never forget. It was smack in the middle of all the 'triangle' bullshit but we didn't let it come between any of us and our holiday spirit.

I remember the sleepover I had with Riley and the conversation we had that tonight. We made a promise to each other that we both ended up ultimately breaking...

I shake my head clear of the saddening thoughts and head to my room ready for bed.

Once I am settled in I pick up my phone to see who wanted to contact me so urgently.

2 missed calls from Huckleberry 🤠...

There's no way I'm sober enough to talk to him right now.

I almost start laughing to myself as I think about how our exchange would go if he found out I'm tipsy right now...

He would into Mr. Protective Cowboy.

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