You Have To Go On Without Me

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After the Roger had gotten away with Mewtwo, Ruby and Pikachu had started walking back to the car.

By the time they got to the gate, Ruby realized Pikachu was trying to speed walk away from her.

"Wait, wait, wait!" she said. "Pikachu!"

They went through the hole in the gate Blake had cut.

"Wait," Ruby said. "Hey. Slow down. We have to talk about this."

"You have to go on without me," Pikachu said, walking away from her.

"What?" Ruby said. "What are you saying? Roger has Mewtwo! Mewtwo has (Y/N)! We're running out of time! We have a case to solve!"

"We already solved mine," Pikachu said. "I know who I am. I'm the guy who betrayed (Y/N)."

"We don't know that," Ruby said, starting to tear up again.

"We both saw it," Pikachu said. "I betrayed (Y/N). Which means..." he turned to her, "I could betray you, too."

"No," Ruby said, tears starting to show. "You wouldn't do that! I-I don't care what I saw! I-I know who you are!"

"How do you know?" Pikachu asked, trying to walk away again.

"Because I..." she smiled. "I can feel it in my jellies."

"I... I MADE THAT UP!" Pikachu yelled. "There's no jellies! There's no me!"

"I don't believe that!" Ruby said.

"You're better off on your own!"

"Come on, Pikachu!"

Ruby got down and grabbed his hand. He turned and struggled to get her to let go.

"No! No!"

"I need you!" Ruby said.

"You have to--"


"You have to stay away! It's for your own good!"

"No! I'm not letting you go!"

The red circles on Pikachu's skull-shaped head lit up into red electricity, and shocked Ruby's hand, knocking her back.

Pikachu gasped, and put his hands on his cheeks. "You see? I can't help it. I hurt the people who need me. That's who I am. I'm sorry." He turned around. Tears would be in his eyes if he didn't have a skull face. "I'm sorry."

He started walking away. Ruby reached for him. "Pikachu..." she whispered. The empty space in her heart was back.

"Ruby!" Yang called as she ran to her sister with Weiss and Blake. "Where's he going?!"

Panicking, Pikachu took off running, trying to get as far away from them as he could.

"Hey, what happened?" Blake asked.

"Is Pikachu okay?" Weiss asked.

Ruby didn't respond. She watched Pikachu run, tears stinging her eyes. She bent over, crying again. Why did this keep happening? Why did she lose everyone she love? Her mother, (Y/N), and now Pikachu! Why couldn't she love someone and just stick with them? It was like the world itself was trying to keep her from being happy with anyone.

But there was no time for that. She had to get to Mewtwo, and she had to find out what happened to (Y/N). Pikachu or not, he still needed her, and she still needed to find him. She pulled herself together, and stood up.

"Let's go," she said. "We gotta get back to the city."

She walked back to the car, trying to keep herself together. Weiss, Blake, and Yang looked at her, then back to each other.

Weiss sighed, and headed to the car. Blake and Yang hesitated, but they followed.

Soon, Team RWBY had made it back to the city, and the Atlas parade was starting.

"The Anniversary Atlas Parade is set to begin this afternoon," an announcer said. "The whole kingdom is converging on downtown to watch the day's festivities."

Team RWBY was driving their vehicles passed the balloons as they were being prepared.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but we need to strategize," Weiss said, stopping the car. Ruby opened the car door and climbed out. "Wait!"

Her teammates climbed out of the car and followed her.

"Where are you going?" Yang asked. "We need to tell the public what we found!"

"No," Ruby said. "That doesn't matter right now. I have to talk to Howard."

She started walking to the Clifford Enterprises tower to meet Howard.

"Wait! Ruby!" Yang shouted.

"Well, what do we do?" Weiss asked.

"We'll figure something out," Blake said.

Ruby walked passed the ballons, seeing trucks filled with what she assumed to be helium filling them up. She started running to the tower.

Meanwhile, Pikachu was walking down the street, sobbing loudly as he sang a song.

"I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute," he sang, very off key and slow due to his crying. "Couldn't bear another day without you in it. All the joy that I had known for all my life. Was stripped away from me the minute that you died--"

He stopped, seeing a bridge. He felt like he'd seen this bridge before.

"What... what is this?"

He ran to the edge, and looked over the side.

"I know this place."

He saw burn marks in the dirt down below. Images of the crash flashed through his head.

"This is the scene of the crash!"

He turned around, and spotted something shining on the ground.

"What is that?" he asked as he ran over to it to investigate.

He picked it up. It was a Greninja shuriken!

"Greninja stars."

He realized what happened: when the car drove to the bridge, it wasn't Mewtwo who knocked it off the cliff! It was the Greninjas!

"Roger must've sent the Greninjas to cause the crash, which... which means... Mewtwo was trying to protect us?"

He realized after the Greninjas attacked, Mewtwo shot at them, scaring them away. He was just too late to save the car.

Then, Pikachu remembered something Howard had said.

"Advanced holographic imaging," Howard explained. "... It allows us to see things that they, and even hunters, cannot or don't want us to see."

"Wait, Howard would've seen this in his hologram. Oh no! No, no, no, no! RUBY!"

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