The Investigation Begins

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Ruby opened her eyes. She sat up in the bed, and looked around at the room. For a minute, she forgot she was in (Y/N)'s apartment. Her memories came flooding back to her, and she remembered everything that had happened yesterday.

The call. The talk at the police station. Going to the apartment. Meeting Pikachu. Agreeing to find (Y/N).

Ruby got out of bed, and changed back into her black and red shirt, combat skirt, and boots. She put on her red hood and cape, and looked at herself in the mirror.

She thought for a moment. She needed to find (Y/N), but she needed to figure out how. She didn't really have a starting point. She might need to go to the police station to ask where the accident happened. But then again, would anyone let her go? Maybe there was something in the apartment that would give her some clues? Maybe Pikachu had an idea.

Ruby walked out of her room, and ran into a stack of papers in folders.

"Aah! My clues!" Pikachu said.

He was standing in the middle of the room, which was a mess of papers and strings.

"What is all this?!" Ruby said, shocked at the state of (Y/N)'s apartment.

"Hard work!" Pikachu answered. "That's what this is. And, by the way, we can't go to the cops. Not till we know who we can trust. So put my clues back in order, would you?"

Ruby bent over and picked up some "clues". "Looks more like the work of a serial killer than 'clues'."

"They're almost clues," Pikachu said.

"And that means...?"

"Trying to jog my memory, retrace my steps. It helps me to see it all laid out." He climbed onto the desk, and picked up the tube that had been filled with that foul-smelling, purple gas. "That's how I found this! This is what a Frenchman would call Caliente Fiesta."

"That's not French," Ruby said.

Pikachu put his finger on the tube, and held it out to her.

"Smell my finger," he said.

"I will never smell your finger," Ruby said, weirded out.

"Coward," Pikachu said. He sniffed his finger, and cringed at the foul smell. "The point is I smelled this R stuff on those sunstealers when they attacked us yesterday."

"'R'?" Ruby repeated, taking the tube from him.

"Bingo!" Pikachu said. "La Cucaracha."

Ruby looked closer at the tube, and saw the letter R on the cap.

"Weird," she said.

"I know," Pikachu, sorting through more clues. "See, I'm thinking (Y/N) caught a break in the case, forcing our shadowy kingpin to send out hired goons to deliver the big hush-hush!" He turned a lamp at Ruby, shining a light in her eyes.

She turned the lamp out of her eyes, and started to get worried. If Pikachu was right, (Y/N) was in a lot of trouble! She needed to find him, and save him! But she didn't know where to start. Hopefully Pikachu would figure it out.

"What do we do?" she asked him.

"We need to retrace (Y/N)'s steps," he said, "Either solve the case ourselves or get far enough along that this 'A number one' bad guy has to reveal himself. Or herself!" He shined the lamp in Ruby's eyes again.

"Could you please stop doing that?" Ruby asked, turning the light away from her eyes.

"So, what is the way in, huh?" Pikachu asked. "The answer is in this room."

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