Call From Atlas

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It had been a long day for Team RWBY. They'd searched for a White Fang base in Mountain Glenn, found the base, and stopped a White Fang plan to bring Grimm to Vale.

They were now sitting on the edge of Beacon's cliff, overlooking Vale, with Ruby and Yang's dog Zwei sitting with them.

"Well," Yang said, "we did it."

"We did it," Blake said.

"If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm going to be seriously disappointed," Weiss said.

"Weiss, a two headed snake literally crushed a bakery," Yang said. "I wouldn't count on it."

"Plus, I mean we didn't solve everything," Ruby said. "A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was."

"Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending," Weiss said.

"I wish (Y/N) was here," Ruby mumbled. "He could figure it out easily."

"Who's (Y/N)?" Weiss asked.

"Nobody!" Ruby said. "Nobody important!"

"We might not have all the answers," Blake said, changing the topic, "but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we can be proud of."

"I guess," Ruby said. "Even so, if anyone tries anything like that again, we'll be there to stop them!"

Yang stretched and lied down. "Yay! Teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright good job!" She sat up. "So, what now?"

"I'd suggest training for the tournament," Weiss said, "but... I think we have that covered at this point."

"So then...?" Blake said.

"Uh, time for bed?" Ruby said.

"Oh please, yes," Weiss said.

"Absolutely," Blake said.

"I'm going to sleep forever," Yang said.

Everyone got up, and headed to the academy. Except for Ruby. She stayed behind, and leaned over, resting her chin in her hands.

"Ruby?" Yang said. "You coming?"

"You go on ahead," Ruby said. "I'll catch up."

"Are you okay?" Weiss asked.

"I'm fine," Ruby replied.

"Okay..." Blake said, clearly unsure.

"You know, you can talk to us if something's wrong--" Yang said, before Ruby interrupted with:

"I'm fine!" She'd raised her voice.

The others backed up in fear.

"Just... try to get some sleep, okay?" Yang said.

Ruby nodded.

The others gave each other worried looks, before walking away, leaving her with Zwei.

Ruby pulled out her scroll, and pulled up an old image of (Y/N). She held in her tears, not wanting to lose her composure. Zwei looked at the photo, and rested his head on her legs, whining.

"I know," Ruby said, stroking the hair on his head. "I miss him too."

Ruby sat there, memories of (Y/N) flashing through her mind. She longed to see him again. Longed for the sweet taste of his lips again. But she knew, it could never happen. Life wasn't fair, and he made her understand that.

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