*Oneshot*- What could go so wrong with a boy and a zombie

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(VarianxZombie reader)  

Varian: Welcome to Seabrook. We're a perfectly planned community. We all have perfect homes. Perfect clothes. The perfect life. Yep, everything was perfect.

Y/N: Until it wasn't. Who would've thought that an accident involving lime soda would set off the apocalypse?

Varian: And when the contaminated green haze blew west, people were not happy.  

Y/N: Because it turned them into... Zombies.

Varian: That's right. Zombies! 

Y/N: Brain-eating... Zombies. Dark and gory times.

Varian: But we built a big barrier to protect us from the zombie hordes. Safe at last, Seabrook could finally get back to our perfect lives.

Y/N: Well, a lot has changed since they built the barrier 50 years ago. Science found a much better way to deal with zombies. And you know what happened to those old brain-eating monsters? Well, they still have to live on their side of the barrier but know they're awesome.     


A green-haired 14-year-old is sitting on a chair facing the screen. They had pale skin and red around their eyes making obvious their a zombie. "Hi, I'm Y/N. And yeah, I'm a zombie." Y/N goes to a closet and pulls out an outfit. "Zombies have to wear government-issued coveralls, but we make them look pretty cool." They say showing it off. Y/N puts the outfit back and looks at the screen. "And we have a curfew. For a long time, we were forced to stay in Zombietown. We've come a long way since then thanks to the Z-band."

They point to a metal watch-like thing on their wrist, it had a green screen with the words "Online" in white. "This puppy delivers a dose of electromagnetic pulses that keep us from eating brains. Now zombies can live happy lives and have gorgeous yet humble kids. So things are changing." They get up and grab a beaker with green liquid in it. "Today's the first day we can attend human high school, and I get to join the science club." 


In Seabrook, there is a blue-eyed freckled boy mixing chemicals. "Today is the first day of freshman year, and I'll impress the science club with my skills." BOOM!!! "My calculations were incorrect." The boy looks at the screen. "Oh, hi. I'm Varian and as you can tell I am all about science, specifically chemistry. Today I'm joining the science club. If you make that, cheer or football you fit in. Why wouldn't I fit in? I'm a totally normal teen. Well, except for this." 

Varian moves his hair to reveal a streak of blue hair. "Born with it. my sister Addison has something too, except all her hair is white. The doctors can't explain it, they think it some rare genetic thing. We can't dye it, nothing sticks." He moves his hair so the blue is covered. "In some places, our hair might be odd in a cool way but not at Seabrook. People here hate anything that's different. If people found out about it I'd never be allowed to join the science club, and Addie won't be able to cheer. So we've both hidden it for as long as we can remember. 

_____*In Zombietown*_____

Y/N is walking down the hall but stops when they see a little girl sitting in a chair and an older boy barking like a dog. "That's my little sister, Zoey, and my older brother, Zed. Zoey really wants a dog but zombies aren't allowed to have pets. Some people still think we'll eat them," They said rolling their eyes. "So, Zed pretends to be her dog."

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