Chapter 8: The truth comes out

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"Okay, today's the day. I'm going to tell him." You were looking in the mirror and practicing what to say. "It's going to be ok Y/N you can do this." You're most likely wondering why you're talking to yourself in the mirror. Today is the day you are telling Varian that you're an orphan.

You've tried to tell him before but you just couldn't do it. At first, you worried that he wouldn't want to be friends with an orphan but since you've been spending so much time with him you realized he would still want to be your friend. Now you're worried that he'll be mad at you for lying to him.

"Ok I'm ready, let's hope this goes well"

Varian's P.O.V

Y/N wanted to tell me something important, at first I thought they were going to tell me that she liked me or something like that. I don't know why but a part of me wanted that to be the case even though I didn't have a crush on them.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked. I could tell Y/N was nervous because they kept fidgeting with her fingers and swaying back and forth. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a while but I just was too scared to tell you so I hope you don't get mad at me for not telling you sooner," She said, "I'm an orphan I've always have been for as long as I can remember. My 'mom' is the owner of the orphanage, Mrs. Weeden." 

Y/N's P.O.V

I was so nervous I didn't know how he would react. There was a long uncomfortable silence until Varian finally broke it. "It's okay that you didn't tell me sooner." I wasn't that shocked that he wasn't mad at me and I was relieved that he still wanted to be my friend. 


Third-person P.O.V

It's been two weeks since you told Varian and you and are still friends. One of the good things about telling him was, you got to tell someone about everything that's happening at the orphanage. It felt good to tell someone how you feel about all the parents that have rejected you.

One day you went to Varian's home crying and you told him what happened that day. He was hugging you and telling you it would be ok. Every single week the same thing would happen and you were tired of it. So you decided to lock yourself in your room and only come out to get food.

Varian would come every day asking you to come out, but you wouldn't listen. He would talk to you through the door, you would rarely respond. He never gave up on trying to make you happier. "Y/N please come out," he said after knocking on your door. You didn't come out. This is how it was every day.

He was about to go to the orphanage until he saw something outside the window.




Do you have any guesses for what song Varian will sing in the next chapter? 

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