Chapter 14: A risk I'm willing to take

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Key: Y/N= your name  N/N= nickname


In the morning Varian ran to the orphanage to tell you the plan, he knew you'd say yes, at least he thought you would. When he was there he knocked on your door waiting for an answer. When you opened the door he ran into your room. "Y/N I have a plan so you can stay!"

You closed the door, "Could you say that louder I don't think Mrs. Weeden heard you!" "Sorry." "So what is your plan?" You were both sitting on your bed. Varian looked around your room everything was packed in boxes, he gulped, please say yes, please say yes. 

"My plan is a little risky so you don't have to do it if you don't want to." You nodded "I was thinking what if you run away from the orphanage and live with me and my dad" You had the biggest smile on your face. "We'll just have to keep a low profile so no one from here finds you." 

Y/N's P.O.V 

"Oh my gosh thank you, Varian!" I squealed while hugging him super tight. I get to be with Varian so of course, I'll say yes. This is the best day ever. How could I say no to this?

"Are you sure you don't mind, because like I said it's risky" "It's a risk I'm willing to take." 


Varian went back home while I packed some clothes to bring. I can't believe I'm doing this. Varian told his dad everything and surprisingly he was okay with it. It was already night which meant it was time to go. I went out of the window and made my way to Varian's house, careful no one was following me. When I made it there I knocked on the door and Varian answered. "Hello, M'lady." I giggled "You weren't followed right?" "Nope." 

When I went to Varian's room I saw two beds, I wondered how long it took him to make that. I laid down on my bed and Varian laid down on his. "Goodnight Var." "Goodnight N/N."


*The next day*

You and Varian were in your room after you found someone trying to look for you. What if they do find me? You thought, what if I never see Varian again?  You knew there was a chance that they would find you, and if they did you and Varian would remain, friends, even if you're miles apart.

"You know they might find me?" You said unsure of what Varian would say. "No, they won't as long as we're careful," he sighed "but if they do, promise we'll always be friends?" "Promise," You replied, "besides nothing can break us apart."

I got a lot of things I have to do, Varian started singing, All these distractions our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions but whatever happens, I know I've got you

You started to sing, You're on my mind you're in my heart It doesn't matter where we are You took Varian's hands in yours. It'll be alright even if we're miles apart

You both sang in sync, All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you only you You were standing right in front of each other, your noses were only centimeters apart. No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you

You stepped apart from each other blushing. You know how life can be it changes overnight It's sunny then raining, but it's alright A friend like you always makes it easy I know that your get me every time 

Through every up through every down you know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me (You are both doing the dances in the video now) All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you only you  No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you 

I just wanna be with you

"I hope you get to stay." "Me too"  

Varian had another thing to figure out. What to get for your birthday, he wanted you to have a great birthday despite everything that's happening. Maybe he will confess his feeling for you too.



I would have posted this chapter way sooner but I didn't have much free time since I had an audition, so I was busy practicing.  

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