Chapter 21: The Alchemists Return

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Happy Holidays! I can't believe I hit 1k reads! That is unbelievable, thank you so much! Let's start the chapter.

Rapunzel was sitting on a rowboat at the docks. She was talking to Pascal about everything that has been happening, with the rocks and her dad. She stopped talking when she heard a chittering sound. "Did you hear something?" Something ran to her. "Ah!" Ruddiger landed on her lap. "Oh! Ruddiger! Where did you come from?"

Her eyes went wide when she felt someone's hand on her mouth. "Shh." They removed their hand and Rapunzel turned around to yell at them until she realized it was you and Varian. "Oh, Varian, Y/N! Where have you been? I-I-I've been so worried about you." She hugged you and Varian. "Yeah, uh, we had to lie low. A funny thing, the people of Corona aren't too keen on people who attack their princess." Varian said scratching the back of his neck. 

"Attack me? You mean during the storm? You came for help." She said.  "And you got to see why we needed your help." You said.  Rapunzel gasped, remembering what she saw when she had to get the bronze graphic. "I am so sorry! I had no id-" You interrupted her. "You had to save the kingdom, you did what you had to, but you can help us now, Rapunzel. Do you have the scroll?"

"The scroll! I-I-I got it like you asked. I have no idea what it is, but my dad was desperate to keep it from me." She said while taking a scroll out of her blue bag. She handed it to Varian. "Now, it took us a while to translate this old language, but from what we can tell, those black rocks are actually some kind of- of ancient darkness. Its destructive power can only be stopped by its counterpart, the sun-drop. Rapunzel! The- the flower!"    

"You mean the flower? The one that healed my mom and gave me my hair?" Rapunzel asked gesturing to her hair. "But... my dad said it was long gone." You put your hand on your chin. "Would you say your dad has been really a reliable source of information?" You asked. She hesitated "Well, um..." Before she could say anything Varian spoke up. "No, Rapunzel! No, it's still here. I'm sure of it. Your dad wouldn't just throw away something that could wield that kind of power. A single petal from that flower would solve all of our problems. That's all we need!"

"Yeah, but even if the flower is here, I don't think we can just ask my dad to hand it over." She said. "Oh, I know we can't, which is why we have to steal it." You said. 


You, Varian, and Rapunzel were in the castle trying to not get spotted. Rapunzel pulled you to a door before anyone could see you. "Princess, what are we doing here? The flower would most likely be in the royal vault, and that is on the other-" Varian started to say but Rapunzel interrupted him. "Other side of the castle, I know. But if we want to get past the vault security, our best bet is to use the underground tunnels, and Herz de Sonne's journal has a complete map of them."  

Rapunzel went inside to get the book while you and Varian were keeping watch. "Do you think she suspected anything?" You asked. "No way. Of course, she doesn't know." You were about to say something until you saw Rapunzel with the book in her hands staring at a painting of her dad. You both went inside to talk to her. "Rapunzel, you got what we came for. Come on, let's go!" You said. "Taking the journal, stealing the flower, these are all acts of treason." "This may be my dad's only hope. This... may be Corona's only hope. Rapunzel, Corona needs our help." Varian said. Rapunzel sighed. "For Corona."


You, Rapunzel, and Varian were looking for the entrance to the underground tunnels. "I found the entrance! Down here!" Varian said as he lifted something. Rapunzel went in first and waited for you. Varian jumped in. You were about to go in but Varian grabbed you by the waist and brought you in. Rapunzel looked at the map she had, "We have to go this way." She pointed to one of the tunnels. 

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