"I've just confessed that I love a man. Circumstances aren't normal." I whisper, kissing him passionately. He moaned in my mouth, making me tighten my hold. "Tell me what to do." I mumble, not having any damn clue on how to please him.

When he doesn't respond, I throw him down and climb up on top, the chains rattling angrily in process. Ugh!

Sitting down on top of him, I move down to meet him again, only to stop at the loud groan he gave. Not going to lie here, it took me a moment to realize why he had given out such a loud groan.

When I felt his strained pants right on my thighs, brushing up against certain very wet parts of me, only then did I realize that I might have grinded against his hard on.

"You might-" he strained out, holding me down by my butt so that I won't move, "Not want to do that. It'll end bad." He hissed, seemingly like he was in physical pain. Concern washed over me at the look on his face.

"Are you okay? Am I hurting you in anyway? Do you want me to get off? Where does it hu-" His strained croaked out chuckle stops me short, making me look down at him confused. What?

"I haven't had sex in 10 months and an incredible sexy woman is on top of me. I'm using everything in me to hold myself off and not throw you down. The primal part of me wants to fuck you and claim you so hard that by the end all you will ever think of is me. So that you would know who you belong to. So no sweetheart- okay is not the term I would use while you're grinding yourself on me so provocatively."

"I don't belong to anyone." I growled out, grinding against him deliberately to retaliate. He snarled back at me, his fingers digging into me painfully and switching positions so that I was once again pinned down. "Regio!" I screeched at the sudden change, clutching onto his forearm.

"You are mine!" He snarled, pulling my face up to his by my neck.

"No!" I yelled back, just as fiercely. I don't belong to anyone!

"No?" He asked in a coated voice that ensured rebellion soon, "Fine! We'll see what you have to say about this by the dawn!" He hissed, removing his jacket and throwing it away, his biceps flexing, the action mesmerizing.

"What do you m- Mmm Oh god Regio!" I moaned, his hand suddenly darting down and spreading me apart lightly, the underwear pushed aside.

"I know. I know." He coaxed, rubbing me lightly, his thumb rubbing me as I moan. His other hand travelled up to my chest, groping me lightly, his touch gentle. Huh? Gentle? He wasn't gentle.

His hand on me tightens, tearing the bra off of me, pulling it out of the shirt and throwing it with the jacket. He does the same with my panties, holding the wet thing up in his fingers to our side, making me blush.

"Would you look at th-" I snatch the offending piece of garment out of his hand, repeating his actions and throwing it away. Furthermore, just to get equal, I push my lower body up so that his erection pressed into me. Cocking my eyebrow mockingly, I repeat his words, "Would you look at that? What do we h-"

He half-growls half-laughs, pushing our lower bodies down, a loud moan escaping me as he slams into me.

He goes down on me, kissing and sucking my entire body, leaving marks on his path. He bites down on my nipple, my back arching at the action. That hurt so fucking good. He blows a second later, soothing the burning sensation immediately.

He came up again, nipping and sucking on my neck, my body pushing into him greedily, not wanting any sort of distance between us.

The shirt that was bunched up on my shoulders was pushed up completely, removing it off of me, the action causing my hands to travel up because of the chains. He grinned into my neck, tightening the chains again before I could comprehend. I make an angry noise, the sound swallowed halfway by his lips.

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