The maze

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Draco's POV


It is now the day of the final task for the tournament. We are all walking to the location of the task. I'm holding Harry's hand and I can tell he's nervous because he is squeezing my hand a bit too hard. I would be nervous too if I was walking towards a challenge that I could die in- No I have to think positive. For Harry.

Even though I have a sick feeling in my stomach from nerves, I look up from the ground to Harry's hypnotising eyes and give him a reassuring smile.

When we get there I give him a kiss before joining Hermione and Ron on the bleachers and Harry goes to the champions tent. I see him alongside the other three champions walk through onto the grass in front of us and it is announced that Harry and Cedric get to have a head start. I can see his hands shaking and at that moment I don't care about anything else other than him and I shout,

"Go, Harry! You're gonna nail it! I love you!"

It wasn't too embarrassing after my mind joined the rest of the world because other people are shouting encouraging comments at the rest of the champions. I look back at Harry and I see him Mouth the words,

"I love you too."

Harry's POV


The signal for the task to start goes off and Cedric and I start into the maze.

I'm not sure how long but it's been a while since we all entered the maze. I have come across Fleur, she got pulled under the maze walls by some magical roots so I shot up the red sparks with my wand that signals if someone needed to get out of the maze. Not soon after, Krum was chasing after me. I could tell he was possessed since his eyes were fully white. Cedric came over at that time and was about to hit Krum with a spell until I told him he was possessed.

Cedric and I carried on from there together. We spotted the cup in the distance so we both started racing each other to it. Then I heard a thud as Cedric had been caught by roots from the maze. He was screaming for me to help him. After a few seconds I ran over to help him get out of the roots and he thanked me.

"Touch it together?" He shouted as we ran up to the cup.

As we did, we appeared somewhere. Somewhere that was not Hogwarts. We were both looking around until I realised, it was the graveyard I had seen in my dreams that were more like nightmares.

"Get back to the cup Cedric!" I shouted.

Just as I said that, a figure appeared in front of us and my scar started to burn. It felt like someone was holding a scorching metal rod up to my head.

"Who are you?!" Cedric shouted while trying to protect me as I was now stuck in the grip of a statue in the graveyard.

"Avada kedavra!" Is all I heard before a green streak of light went hurtling towards Cedric and he flew in the air, getting flung across the graveyard.

I was so shocked and scared. Cedric had just been hit with the killing curse while trying to protect me. I felt so guilty. The next few minutes went by like a blur until none other than Voldemort had appeared in front of me. He started giving his speech to the death eaters that had gathered around us until he demanded that we had a duel.

I was terrified but I knew the only way to survive was to try. We were shooting spells at each other until our spells had collided. A glowing Green line coming from Voldemort's wand and a Red one from mine. As we were battling, a force field type of orb formed around us.

Then out of nowhere, my mother, father and Cedric's ghosts appeared. Mother and Father told me to let go and they would stall for a few seconds so I could run back to the cup. I was terrified but complied. Before I did though, Cedric said to me,

"Harry... take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my parents."

Of course I will take his body back, he died trying to protect me after all.

As I let go, I ran as fast as I could to Cedric's lifeless body and accio'd the cup to us. We were immediately brought back to the starting point of the maze and I could hear cheers from all around us. It made me feel sick to think that people were cheering. They didn't know. They didn't know that Cedric was... was dead. I felt tears fall from my eyes and I sobbed while kneeling over the body before me.

When people started noticing what had happened, the band slowly stopped as the professors all ran toward us. I could hear shocked gasps coming from the crowd. Then I heard Cedric's father shouting and crying.

"He asked me to bring his body back," I said to Mr Diggory.

I sat there and felt like being sick. I could see people coming over to me but I couldn't tell who due to my tear filled eyes.

Draco's POV


At first I was cheering when I saw Harry and Cedric appear on the grass but then I noticed Harry wasn't smiling and Cedric wasn't even moving. Harry was sobbing and Cedric was... dead.

Once I made my way through the crowd, I ran up to Harry and hugged him. His face was covered in dirt, tears and he had a few cuts. That's what I thought until I saw his arm. There was blood all over his sleeve. His sleeve was ripped open and I could see there was a big cut on his arm that was bleeding furiously.

I sat on the floor with one arm around his back and one hand holding the back of his head. Slowly rocking back and forth I whispered into his ear that it is all alright and other things along the lines of that.

Before I knew it, Professor Moody had come over to us, grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him away from me. I tried running after them but was stopped by all the people in the way.

We were all sent back to our rooms for the evening. I was pacing around my room. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep without knowing if Harry is ok or not. After about half an hour, Professor Snape had appeared at my door.

"Harry is in the hospital wing, Granger and Weasley have been informed too, you may go and see him now." He said to me in his monotone voice.

Before he could fully finish his sentence I rushed past him. I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and through the halls until I reached the doors to Madam Pomfrey's. I opened the door slowly to not make too much noise. As I did I saw Hermione and Ron standing around a bed that had a candle next to it in the  dimly lit room. As I approached the bed, I saw Harry laying there looking up at his friends and I couldn't help but run up to his bed side and hug him.

He let out a quiet groan because of my strong embrace I had on him. I immediately let go.

"I'm sorry!"

"Did I hurt you?"

"Are you ok?"

I said quickly.

Harry looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

"It's ok, Ron and Hermione did the same thing when they saw me." He chuckled.

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