Moaning Myrtle and the Golden Egg

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Draco's POV


Harry and I were sitting in my room trying to figure out what the golden egg did. The next task for the tournament was in February and currently it is January. Hermione and Ron will be arriving back at school tomorrow so Harry was very excited about that.

"Dray?" Harry started

"Yes chosen one?" I responded

I knew the use of that nickname made Harry blush. Even though so many people call him that, he loves it when I use it.

"The other day I bumped into Cedric and he said something about how the prefect bathroom isn't a bad place for a bath and that I should bring the egg if I go." Do you think It needs to be underwater?

"Maybe," I answered, not looking up from my book.

Harry's POV


Draco didn't seem to be listening to me so just to test him I said,

"Do you want to come with me to open the egg while having a bath?"

I laughed as he looked up from his book almost immediately. I mean at least he was listening.

He followed after me to the Prefects bathroom with the egg. When we got there we made sure no one was already in there and then locked the door. As we turned on the taps, the room started to fill quickly. Suddenly as Draco and I were relaxing in the water Moaning Myrtle appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello Harry" she said.

"Oh- um hi Myrtle," I said back in a quiet and uncomfortable voice.

As I said that, Draco opened his eyes and asked me in a sort of defensive way,

"Who's that?"

"I'm Moaning Myrtle! Who are you?" Myrtle asked in an offended way.

"Draco Malfoy," Draco responded plainly.

He seemed unfazed until Myrtle said,

"What gave you the rights to come in here with Harry?!"

As she said that she sat right up close to me in the water. I felt really uncomfortable and I could tell that Draco knew.

"Well Myrtle," Draco huffed

"I have the right to be here with Harry because if you haven't noticed, Harry is my boyfriend and I am entitled to be wherever he wants me to be." Draco said while glaring at Myrtle who glared back at him.

"I think my boyfriend would appreciate it if you would move away from him or leave the room all together." Draco then said while hinting to Myrtle what I was uncomfortable with her being so close to me.

Myrtle rolled her eyes and gave Draco an angry glare before disappearing.

"Thank you, I was feeling really uncomfortable just then and I didn't know what to do," I said as I moved slowly towards Draco.

He came forward to me and kissed me before holding me in a hug.

"No need to say thank you my dear," he said after a few seconds.

I smiled into the crook of his neck and we sat there like that for a few minutes.

"Don't forget about the egg," Draco said softly into my hair.

As we let go of each other, I walked over in the water to get the egg from the side of the bath that fills the majority of the bathroom. I counted down from three and at one Draco and I went underwater and opened the egg.

I was scared it was going to screech again but this time it sang a beautiful song.

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