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Draco's POV


It's now June, not much happened in the last two months as the last tournament is in July. I was dreading this day because of the constant reminder that no one remembers what is today and they never do anything about it. It makes me quite sad but I have to put up the Malfoy mask and pretend everything is fine.

Right now I am lying in bed, Harry is next to me but still fast asleep. I don't want to wake him so I decide to just go and get ready for the day. After I am changed, I turn around but Harry isn't there anymore.

I walk around the bed to see if he fell off or something but he's still nowhere to be seen. Suddenly I feel something ram into my chest and I fall back onto the bed.

"Happy Birthday Draco" Harry beams as he pulls off his invisibility cloak.

We are laying there on the bed with him above me due to the fact that he just ran into me.

I put my arms around him and looked him in the eyes. I smile but neither of us say anything, I'm just admiring him for the millionth time.

"Thank you love," I say after a minute or two.

Harry hugs me tighter and then gives me a kiss.

Harry's POV


After I give him a kiss I get up and start to get dressed. I'm excited for today as I planned something special for Draco. Luckily it is a Saturday so we don't have any lessons.

We walk down to the Great Hall together and we sit down together at the Gryffindor table. It's a good thing that for breakfasts we are allowed to sit with people from other classes because not only are Ron and Hermione sitting with us, but also Crabbe and Goyle. Something was going on between Draco and his friends in the beginning of the year, they just didn't get along well or spend much time together but now they are back to being friends again.

After breakfast, all six of us head down to the courtyard and we sit in the grass playing exploding snap. Draco wasn't very good at the game and he isn't very good at taking a loss either so he started to get a bit angry. It was really funny until Professor Moody though he was genuinely threatening us and so he transformed Draco into a ferret. That was even funnier and Draco was running around trying to dodge Professor Moody. Then Professor Mcgonagall came over and scolded Mad Eye before turning Draco back into a tall, pale, blonde teenager.

It was just before lunch when I took Draco away from the rest of the group. I blind folded him and led him to the surprise. Of course Draco didn't go easily, there were a lot of complaints of not knowing where he was on the way there.

When we got to the spot, I took off his blindfold,

"Tadaaa," I said in a way a muggle would say when performing non magic magic tricks.

"I'm sorry it's not much but I tried, if you don't like it we can always go in and eat in the Great Hall." I said because I don't want him to feel like he has to pretend to like it to make me happy, it's his birthday and he deserves whatever he wants.

He just looks at the picnic I had set up for us and then at me. He did that twice and then said,

"Harry, this is perfect, I would take this over the Great Hall any day!"

Smiling as he walks over to me, he puts his arms around my waist so there is no space between us. He then looks at me for a few long seconds and kisses me.

After that we sit down and eat the small snacks that I put out here and we admire the view. The picnic is set up at our spot by the black lake so we can see the light reflecting off the water and the heavy green trees that tower above us.

An hour or so later we head back to the castle and meet up with the rest of the group again. We hung out some more before heading to the Great Hall for dinner.

After that, we all went to Draco's room and played a few muggle games like truth or dare, and two truths and a lie. That was until Ron came back into the room holding a cake we had planned to give Draco today. Crabbe and Goyle helped with the design as it was covered in green icing and snake decorations. On the top it said in silver glitter writing, "Happy Fifteenth Birthday". I have to admit, despite all the Slytherin themed decor, it was a pretty cool cake.

Draco blew out the sparklers on top of the cake before we all had a slice of it. On the inside, it was a vanilla cake but Ron, Hermione and I had planned a little prank on them by making the inside Gryffindor colours. Crabbe and Goyle had shocked faces since that wasn't in their design but Draco just laughed.

After about two hours, it was getting to curfew so people started leaving. Although I usually alternate between mine and Dracos room each night, Draco wanted me to stay tonight even though I was here last night too. It was his birthday after all and that's what he wanted, so I did.

Once our friends all left, Draco came over to me while I was too busy to notice since I was getting changed and he picked me up and threw me onto the bed. He then lay down next to me and we looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. Draco then leaned in giving me a long gentle kiss before saying,

"Thank you for today"

As he said that, a single tear rolled down his cheek and dropped onto the bed sheets leaving a small wet spot. I then wiped his cheek with the back of my hand to dry the wet streak that stretched from his eye to his chin.

"I'm sorry, it's just that this is the best birthday I have ever had and it has made me feel so happy." He whispered in a shaky voice while trying not to let any more tears fall.

I knew how he felt, it was just like when I had my first Christmas at Hogwarts and it was the first time I ever got presents and I got to spend it with Ron.

I just hugged my boyfriend and we lay there for a while. I could feel my shoulder getting wet from his happy tears but I didn't mind. We started to fall asleep and that last thing I thought of was how much I love him.

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