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Harry's POV


I run up to my room and jump onto my bed. I lay on my back and hugged the jumper Draco had leant me. I might as well admit it now, I have taken a liking to Malfoy. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I don't want to tell 'Mione or Ron yet because I don't know how they will react but even if at first they don't approve, I know in time they will.

I lay there on my bed replaying every moment I spent with Draco this morning and held his jumper close to me. It smelled of forests, books, and Green apples. I remember last year there was hardly a time I saw him not eating an apple.

I quickly got dressed and woke up Ron just in time to go to breakfast. I was excited to go to breakfast because even if it was from a distance, I would still be able to see Draco. Although it saddens me when I realise that Draco is most likely straight and anyways, why would he like me? He has all the girls except for 'Mione swooning over him.

As Ron, myself and Hermione made our way into the Great Hall, the sweet smell of jam drifted through the doors. The room was already filled with people but we found our spots at the Gryffindor table. I sat on the right side of the table so I was facing my two best friends but in the background you could also see the Slytherin table.

Malfoy's jumper was tied around my waist and covered by my robes. I plan on returning it later on in the day.

Draco's POV


I felt a feeling I haven't felt before when I returned to my dorm. I had felt so safe with Harry and happy. I have never really felt like that around anyone else and no one made me feel that way like Harry did. I can't deny that I have feelings for the messy raven-haired boy, I have since the start of the third year. I'm not sure why, but I just know I feel like that. Although the thought of Harry makes me so happy, it makes me sad when I remember that Harry would never like me like that.

I know I shouldn't like him since I'm a Malfoy and he's a Potter but who doesn't like him? I tried to deny my feelings for a long time but I can't anymore. He's perfect. His raven-hair that never seems to be neat, his emerald coloured eyes that resemble a deep forest with the sun setting on it. His perfect pink lips and how he is charmingly short. Just about a head shorter than me. His personality is perfect too. How can someone be so brave and tough but so innocent at the same time.

After a while of thinking about my perfect golden boy, it was time for breakfast. I met with Crabbe and Goyle in the Slytherin common room and I walked to the great hall with a boy on either side of me.

When We entered the great hall I immediately spotted Harry sitting with his friends at the Gryffindor table. Oh how I longed to sit with him, but I could never! If anyone saw us, Father would definitely hear about it but not from me. He would be furious with me. I can't even imagine the punishments I would get. My eyes start to prickle with tears as I think about Father and I walk to the Slytherin table with my two bodyguard-like friends by my side.

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