The Yule Ball

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Harry's POV


It's the day of the yule ball and I haven't seen Draco since lunch. I'm really nervous for tonight, firstly because I have to dance in front of the whole school, secondly, I will be going with Draco. I am very happy that I am going with him but I'm still nervous about that because so far the school thinks I'm straight and that I would do anything to fight with or avoid Draco. The last thing I am nervous about is how Draco will be treated. I am used to all the false accusations put on me and people gossiping about me but in Draco's case, he used to be the person spreading the rumours and gossiping so I'm not sure how he will take it. I will help him though.

I walk into my room and see Ron standing before a mirror. He's complaining about his dress robes. He is wearing dress robes with a frilly collar. The colour theme for his outfit is orange and a washed out brown I would say. My outfit is a lot more... modern compared to Ron's. I am wearing black trousers, a black dress coat, a black vest with a white dress shirt and bow tie, and black dress shoes.

Ron and I make our way to the Great Hall, as we reach the steps, Ron quickly walks down to meet Hermione who was waiting for us. I looked around nervously for Draco. Once I spotted him, I walked down the steps to meet him. He looks very handsome in his outfit. He smiles at me and says,

"Beautiful as always," with a smile.

Professor Mcgonagall walks up to me and Draco and says,

"Oh good Potter, your partner is here," as she ushered us towards the rest of the champions.

I was surprised and relieved that Professor Mcgonagall just expected Draco to be my partner. We all started to walk in and I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was scared for the looks we would get. Draco noticed me silently panicking and squeezed my hand.

We made our way onto the dance floor and the music started to play. I was a bit more relaxed to dance due to the expert lessons I got from Draco the other night in his room, but I was still a bit shaky. My eyes met Draco's as we started to dance and all my worries felt like they were gone.

We finished the dance and everyone clapped. I looked around and all we got was kind approving looks except from a few slytherins.

A few hours later, Ron and Hermione left with most of the other students but some stayed still. As I was about to follow my friends, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I was delighted when I saw Draco.

"Care to dance?" He asked me.

There were only a few people left dancing in the room so I agreed. We made our way to the dance floor again and danced to the slow music like we did in Draco's room.

At that moment, I felt like the luckiest person alive. I felt so safe and happy. Draco and I moved closer to each other and I rested my head in the crook of his neck as we danced. I never wanted it to end.

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