Part 4

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Princess Raj Nandini's Wing,

Princess Raj Nandini with her all Dasi's is busy with signing, dancing and laughing without knowing someone watching her secretly. The person who is watching Princess Raj Nandini's is revealed as a Prince Manik Kumar when one soldier keep hand on his shoulder and when he turn around reviling his face.

Soldier: (with shocked expression he speak) Prince Manik Kumar. (with bending his head he speak) Salute Prince Manik Kumar. You here. Did you need anything?

Others three soldier who is there to guard Princess Raj Nandini's wings on the order of Queen Meera come there after listening first soldier voice. They also greet Prince Manik Kumar. Prince Manik Kumar accept their greeting.

Before Prince Manik Kumar Can speak, they listen Princess Raj Nandini's voice.

Other side Princess Raj Nandini stop laughing listening some commence at outside of her wing and speak a loudly,

Princess Raj Nandini: (loudly she speak) Soliders What happening outside there? Did some one come to meet me from my team from our kingdom?

Soliders stand there culess thinking what to answer their Princess. Prince Manik Kumar also don't know what to do now because he come there to know what Princess Raj Nandini doing after knowing her really but seeing her love for him he is speechless.

Other side when Princess Raj Nandini when didn't receive any answer thought to check herself but her Dasi Maya stop her and speak,

Dasi Maya: Princess Raj Nandini you stay here, I will check who is outside there?

Princess Raj Nandini: But......

Dasi Maya: Don't worry Princess, I am trained under you so I know how to fight if there is danger.

Princess Raj Nandini : (with smile she speak) Ok go.

So taking Princess Raj Nandini's permission, Dasi Maya come outside. But seeing Prince Manik Kumar she shocked as well as happy for her Princess Raj Nandini but nevertheless she greet him and say,

Dasi Maya: Salute Prince Manik Kumar. What can we do for you? Did I need to inform Princess Raj Nandini about your arrival?

Still now also Prince Manik Kumar standing there culess and speechless. Listening Dasi he turn his back towards them and stand there only. He didn't getting word to say why he come here and thinking about meeting Princess Raj Nandini is right or wrong? Dasi Maya and soliders are looking at each other and thinking what to do now? Like this more than 5 minutes passed.

Other side Princess Raj Nandini decided to come out and see what happening outside seeing Dasi Maya didn't returned till now. Other Dasi's try to stop her but Princess Raj Nandini didn't listened them and come out. Coming out she see that soliders and Dasi Maya standing there with their head down and one person standing showing his back side to them but her heart realised and say that the person who standing there is her husband.

Princess Raj Nandini's POV:

Why my heart saying that the person who is standing here is my love of life, my husband is here. No no he is not. Why he will come here after looking for me? The person who doesn't look at you nor inquired about you are live or not from last 15 years why he will stand here. The person who rejected you on marriage day without your mistake why will come to you now. You are imaging like always Nandini. Come to earth and inquire what happening here and who is this person?

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