Part 3

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Here is next part of my story.
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After saying she will look after robbers Princess Raj Nandini start running outside the Palace. Queen Meera asked everyone to gather on terrace so they can see what her daughter Princess Raj Nandini is doing. Nodding their head and with curiosity all moves towards terrace. Standing their they see that Princess Raj Nandini is running and while running only she cover her whole face with her saree pallu because till now she is not introduced to her kingdom and as per rules she can't show her face till she is not introduced to them which all understand standing on terrace seeing her act. Queen Meera speak,

Queen Meera: King Krishnakant this is called a perfect Queen example who don't forget the any rule of kingdom in any situation. This palce great example infront of people of our Kingdom that rules which are made can't broke by anyone even the person belong to King and his family. (looking towards Princess Prerana and Princess Komlika she speak) My daughter knows this very well not like other who break at least 3-4 rules everyday without giving second thought and upon that they argue with us.

Before anyone answer to Queen Meera all listen loud voice of Princess Raj Nandini. So all looks towards her.

Other side,

Princess Raj Nandini come out of Palace running and cover her face with her saree pallu neatly. So no one can see her. After that she shout loudly,

Princess Raj Nandini: (while running she shout loudly) Chetak........

On Terrace,

Listening Chetak from Princess Raj Nandini's mouth, Princess Komlika immediately speak,

Princess Komlika: What happened to your rule following daughter Queen Meera? I mean just see she is calling some chetak for help. I am sure he is one who helped her in battlefield also. She is taking credit so she can come in Prince Manik Kumar's eyes.

Queen Meera: (with chukle she speak) You know Princess Komlika I feel pity for you. I mean how can some one this much brainless. Every time I thought you will get your brain this time but next time you prove me wrong talking like this. Just look at there who is coming to my daughter after her shout and more ever she don't need to do cheap things to come in Prince Manik Kumar's Eyes. Now see who is coming there towards my daughter.

Listening Queen Meera, Princess Komalika looks towards Princess Raj Nandini and wind her eyes in shock seeing a white horse is coming towards her and she claims on horse easily without much efforts. Others also get shocked but they listen Queen Meera,

Queen Meera: (while chuckling she speak) What happened Princess Komalika? Didn't getting any words after seeing my daughter action. It's just trailer of my daughter Princess Raj Nandini's brevariy now you will see full action. So start counting 1 to 10 then see there in battlefield. You can see full action of my daughter Princess Raj Nandini's.

Princess Raj Nandini's Side,

After listening Nandini's shout within 2 minutes one white horse come to her while running. Princess Raj Nandini jump on horse while running, taking support of one stone which is side of the path. After that she start ridding horse with wind speed. Within 10 minutes she is outside of Palace.

When Princess Raj Nandini come outside the Palace, that time only everyone one notice that more than 50 robbers are their and more than 30 masked people fighting with them perfectionly becasue till now everyone is concentrating on Princess Raj Nandini and her moves. Princess Raj Nandini start fighting with robbers and helping her team. Seeing Princess Raj Nandini there, the energy level of masked person increased, their confidence level also increased and they started fighting enthusiasingly.

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