◌ chapter two ◌

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1. CITY OF ANGELS — 24kGoldn

2. Let's Fall in Love for the Night — FINNEAS

3.  Nights Like This — Kehlani

4. Chanel — Frank Ocean

》disclaimers | kissing, undressing, language《

"Oh hell no! You're all fuckin' bogus!" Danny exclaimed as he tossed his UNO cards down on the floor and walked away laughing as he shook his head.

We all bursted out laughing as Julian, Logan, and Frank high fived each other after giving Danny multiple +4 cards.

"Come on bro stop being a pussy and finish the game at least," Logan laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair. I looked down at my phone and realized it was now 3:30 am. It was getting very late and I could tell Gabby was beginning to doze off and noticed that Frank could barely keep his eyes open.

I set my cards down and exhaled tiredly, "How about we call it a night boys?"

"Fucking finally," Frank whispered jokingly as he put his cards down too and began to collect everybody else's cards. I got up from the floor and yawned softly as I began to walk down the hallway leading to my bedroom. I stopped at the closet and pulled out some extra blankets for the guys and started to walk back to the living room.

As I turned around I bumped into somebody's chest and looked up to see Julian's face. I chuckled, "Guess you can't keep away from me too long?"

Julian was about to say something but I could tell he hesitated and was trying to look for the right words. "Um...so I obviously really like you. And I can tell you're kinda feelin' me too. So... I was wondering if I could actually sleep in your room with you if that's okay? I'm not gonna fuck around I just want to-" he began to ramble.

I cut him off with a small kiss on his lips and then pulled away with a smile. "Of course you can. There aren't enough blankets anyway. It's the last room on the right." I told him. Julian nodded with a smile, "Thanks Leah".

I walked over to the living room and saw Gabby already asleep on the floor curled up. "Shit.." I whispered as I began to walk over to wake her up.

"Nah it's okay I got it, where do you want me to put her?" Logan asked as he leaned down to pick her up. Gabby instantly curled up Logan's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

A smile grew on my face over Logan's reaction and nodded down the hallway where Julian was still standing. "It's the room next to mine, just take her shoes off for me please?" I asked politely. Logan nodded assuringly and walked away.

I turned to look at both Danny and Frank. I noticed Frank was already laying on the couch scrolling on his phone and Danny was falling asleep in the kitchen while sitting on the barstool with his head on the counter. I made my way over to Frank and tossed him the blanket. "Here ya go, um I have extra toothbrushes in the bathroom next to that closet. And help yourself to anything else you may need." I told him sweetly. Frank laughed, "Why are you so nice Leah? I've literally never met someone so welcoming."

"Probably because I like your cousin and I'm trying to get on your good side" I joked and he laughed back as he took the blanket. I then made my way over to Danny and ran my fingers through his curly hair in attempt to wake him up. He slowly blinked his eyes open, "Hm?" He asked sleepily.

I helped him stand up, "How about we get you somewhere to lay down okay? Do you wanna sleep on the floor or couch?" I told him. Danny yawned and said, "I'll go on the other couch. Thanks Leah." I nodded and gave him a blanket as well. I figured Logan was gonna sleep in the other room with Gabby since he hadn't been back yet. I turned off the living room lights but made sure to leave the kitchen lights on so they could still see if they got up at one point.

I made my way to the other room where Gabby was in and peaked through the opening, only to see her and Logan making out on the bed. I rolled my eyes and closed the door to give them privacy. I bit my lip nervously and walked into my room to see Julian standing over my bookshelf that had a few books and decorations on display. He turned around and smiled as he walked over to me.

"All asleep?" He asked referring to his friends. I smirked playfully, "For the most part. Except Gabby and Logan."

Julian laughed softly and shook his head in disbelief. "I swear one second he's simping over some lame ass girls from our hometown and now he's all over your friend."

I wrapped my arms around Julian's neck and his arms snaked around my waist. A tired sigh left my lips as I leaned my cheek against his shoulder. "Wish you didn't have to go so soon already." I felt Julian shift a bit and he began to whisper softly into my ear.

"We're gonna be here another few days, Leah. Don't worry we'll have plenty of time together. I promise," he said to me. My lips turned up into another smile and nodded. I pulled away and went to turn on the lights to the bathroom connected to my bedroom.

Julian followed me in and we both began to brush our teeth and then I washed my face quickly. I dried my face with a small towel and then looked up at the mirror to see Julian staring at me with a smile.

"You creep what are you lookin at," I laughed as I playfully slapped his chest.

"Oh you know...just a gorgeous girl I can't stop looking at. Here let's take a snap," Julian said as he pulled out his phone and opened the app. He put his hand near my ass and I leaned into his touch. My hand rested on chest and then we both stuck our tongues out together as he took a mirror pic. I watched him put it on his private story where no fans could see the post.

We walked back to the room and I began to unbutton my jeans. I quickly slid them off and took off my bodysuit. My black thong was now exposed and I could feel Julian staring as he laid on my bed. I looked at him seductively and unclipped my bra and let it fall slowly down my chest. He bit his bottom lip for a few seconds and eyed me up and down. I swear this man could drive me insane. But I knew I had to take this slow to not fuck everything up. I then grabbed a pair of pink pajama shorts and a black tank top and put it on. I turned on my rock salt lamp and then turned off the lights so we could still see other. I walked over to my bed and pulled at the comforter as Julian stood up to take off his button up shirt. He then pushed down his pants and was left in briefs. I got into bed and Julian followed soon after.

"I just wanna let you know that one day I'm gonna make you mine," Julian said in a quiet voice as his fingers pushed my hair behind my ear. We were both laying on our sides and I couldn't help but blush at his comment.

This was obviously all happening so fast. Not even a whole day had gone by since I met this guy and his friends. But his intentions were pure and he was gentle with me. He respected me and knew how to have a good time. I wasn't so sure if I could vibe with anybody else like this. It had been a while.

"You already have," I whispered in response as I cupped his cheek. I gently pushed his head towards mine and we both closed our eyes as we began to kiss once again. This time it was more real than ever. It wasn't a drunken kiss from earlier tonight. There was nobody else around us. Just us. My hand drifted to the back of his head and my fingers ran through his hair gently and I tugged softly as we deepened our kiss.

Julian moaned against my lips and he then moved a hand down my back and to my ass gave it a small squeeze. After a few more seconds we slowly pulled away and I sighed happily. He then moved to lay on his back and I moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest and wrapped an arm around his waist. I felt him pull up the comforter up to my shoulders and he rested his hand on my lower back and the other went behind his head. The light of the moon and the city peeked into the room through the window. Minutes went by and soon we drifted off into sleep.

A/N: what do you think of Julian and Leah? Are they going too fast?

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