Everyone turned around. It was Mr. Forkle. 

"Why? Is the priest late?" Sophie asked. 

Mr. Forkle shook his head, "Actually, the groom needed to visit someone for a short while....." 

~Keefe's pov~

I coughed as sand filled my mouth as I walked towards my mother, though she and I were kept apart by a piece of glass. 

"Hey mom." I said, looking down. 

"Son! What a surprise to see you! How are you!" Mom said. 

"Don't act as of you care about me." I said. 

Mom sighed, "I do care about you Keefe. You just don't realize that." 

"Oh yeah? What about trying to kill me then? I asked, then glared at her. 

Mom gritted her teeth," I wasn't thinking properly that time."

" Then tell me what you were thinking! Tell me what was my legacy! "I shouted. 

Mom sighed again,"Fine. You want answers? I was thinking that Sophie wouldn't kill you so easily, but I made the dose that I shot her with with too much limbo. Believe me Keefe. I never wanted to kill you. As for your legacy, it was simple, I wanted you to take over the whole world with me. I just never thought about the consequences. "

I snorted," You expect me to believe that? "

" Yes. "

" Well, all you could be saying are lies and anyways, I have go for my wedding, I don't want to waste time talking to you. "I said, turning around. 

At those words, Mom was alarmed," Hey! What do you mean by wedding? "

I smirked," Figure it out yourself. "

Then, I turned, leaving Exile and off to the human cities. 


"Keefe! Where did you go!" Sophie asked, running towards Keefe. 

"Don't worry, I wasn't captured, I just......went to visit someone." Keefe muttered.

"Just don't worry Sophie like that anymore okay? Look! You're going to be her husband!"Biana huffed, as she stood beside Sophie.

"Okay, okay, I won't worry her anymore, but I can't make any promises!" Keefe added with a wink.

Sophie rolled her eyes," Its getting late already, come on, we don't want our guests to wait any longer. You should get going too." She told Keefe.

He nodded and they said their goodbyes.


"Deep breaths, deep breaths." Sophie said to herself, still tugging out her eyelashes. 

It was almost time for her to step out, but she was still nervous.

Grady noticed this and he smiled,"Don't worry, everything's going to be just fine. Oh, the music's starting now."

Indeed it was, Sophie took a deep breath and she and Grady walked out.

Everyone was there, even Stina.

They all cheered for Sophie as she walked by, she was too busy smiling at them to realize she was already at the altar.

Grady let go of her hand and she walked towards Keefe, sucking in a deep breath, she was pretty sure she wanted to tug out all her eyelashes now. 

She looked at Keefe and he smirked as the pastor said his words.

Finally, when the pastor asked, "Do you take Sophie Elizabeth Foster to be your wife?"

Keefe said yes.

The pastor then asked Sophie,"Do you take Keefe Sencen to be your husband."

"I do."Sophie said.

"You may kiss the bride!"The pastor announced.

And Sophie and Keefe kissed each other, when their lips touched, Sophie could feel the familiar spark between her and Keefe.

And that was the spark that she would never forget.

Okay! I'm done with this chapter! Don't worry, there's one last chapter to come! I'll update soon!

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