The surprise

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 "You."Right there was the boy who had died right in front of her, the boy whom she had cried about for weeks and the boy who's planting she attended, he was standing right of Sophie. "No..No...No..How...How are you here?"Sophie whispered. Keefe looked down, "I- I-I'm sorry.""SORRY?THATS ALL YOU SAY IS SORRY?"Sophie screamed. "So,"he said, "Do you hate me now?I just-"but before he could finish his sentence, someone hugged him tightly.

It was Sophie.

For a few moments, he just stood there, not sure what to do, but after awhile, he hugged her back."I'll never hate you Keefe, you know that."Sophie whispered, then, she let out a soft sob. Her tears soaked onto Keefe's tunic but he just smiled at them."There, there, just let out your tears Foster."Sophie sniffed and looked up to those beautiful ice blue eyes and kissed the boy standing in front of her. 

Keefe was startled, but in the end, he kissed her back, softly and sweetly. Sophie smiled,"I'm so glad your back."

Keefe nodded, "I'm glad I'm back too."He looked at his tree, which was exactly how he had pictured it."I finally know how it feels to have a Wanderling, its so weird."Sophie shrugged, "Well, I have know what it feels like.If you need my help, just hail me, okay?"She waited for him to nod before saying, "Let's sit down, I'm sure you have a lot of explaining to do."They walked over to the small tree and after Sophie gave him some food, Keefe started talking."I did actually die, what happened actually wasn't fake, for some reason, the dwarves who were searching the area found my body but they didn't bring my body to you guys, they brought it to the gnomes."

Sophie frowned, "Why? Why would they keep it from us?"

Keefe shrugged, "I'm not sure, but what they said was that they worked on a cure for me for 2 weeks, although I was dead. In the end, they developed something that when they let me have it, I was alive again."

"But you said that they worked on a cure for 2 weeks and they let you have it after that, it's been 2 months, why didn't' I see you earlier?"Sophie asked.

Keefe looked at her sadly,"That complicated...You see, when I woke up, the gnomes were so happy that they wanted to tell everyone that I was alive and their cure worked but...."

"But?"Sophie asked.

"I begged them not to tell you that I was living as... I-I didn't want you to trouble because of me."Keefe whispered.

"What do you mean trouble because of you?"Sophie asked.

"Can't you see? All this trouble, was because of me. My mother wanted to plan me a legacy or something and you got hurt because of me! The only reason why I'm here is because the gnomes said that I should check out my tree but I didn't realize you would be here!"Keefe said.

"Oh Keefe, I don't care that I'm hurt because of you, you're my friend and I will do anything for you. In fact, I'm happy your my friend."Sophie whispered.

Keefe smiled, smiled, and said,"I'm happy you my friend too."He hugged her again and said,"Thank you, and you know what I should thank you for saving my life too."

When Sophie asked why, Keefe replied," when I woke up I heard the gnomes say,"Anything for the moonlark."


And I'm done!Sorry for the verrrrrrry late update!I have been working on something else and couldn't update!Sorry!I will try to update soon!

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