Keefe's side of the story. (Part 2)

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   "Hey you! Clean up your room!"Kitsu's voice filled Keefe's whole room.

"Yes, yes, must you be so evil? I'm doing my chores now!''I shouted.

"Stop arguing you two, you've been arguing since you've met. Kitsu, let the boy rest for a while, he has been helping all day long."Hera said, chuckling.

 Kitsu huffed,"Hmph! The boy is nothing but trouble! But only because you said so, Hera, I'll let him off just this once!"I winced at the word 'trouble' but I didn't say anything.

Kitsu then walked to the door grumbling, but before she walked out of the room she turned around saying, "And you," she pointed her finger at me," I will find out your secret on why you do. not. want. to. leave!!"Then she slammed the door, leaving Hera and I alone.

"I'm so sorry she's like that, it's just that she had some....problems a Long time ago and is very wary of strangers."Hera said and before I could say anything, she quickly rushed out of his room to search for Kitsu.

 I sighed and flopped on his bed, I had asked the gnomes to keep it a secret from everyone that I was alive but Kitsu said that if I wanted to stay, I had to help them with all the chores and work for as long as they were keeping the secret. Though she was still annoyed that I didn't tell her why I was keeping it a secret from her.

She's just like Ro, I thought. Smart but annoying. I smiled sadly.

Wonder how they are doing.

....................................................One month later.........................................................

  "Aww, come on! How could you win two games while I win none? It's not fair!"Kitsu shouted.

I snorted, "How is it not fair? It's just that you don't have the brains. Plus, Hera has been playing with us the whole time, she would have known if I had been cheating."I pointed to Hera, "Come on Hera, tell Kitsu if I have been cheating or not."

Hera looked at us and sighed,"When will you two ever stop bickering?"

"Never."Both of us responded.

Hera sighed again,"Keefe didn't cheat Kitsu, you just lost the game, deal with it."

"Humph! I've never lost a game in my life!"Kitsu said.

"Oh you mean you've never lost a game until Lord Hunkyhair came into play..."I said, then I froze, suddenly, I couldn't hear Kitsu's retorts anymore, all I could think of was, why did I say that, that name brings bad memories, why did you say that?

Hera noticed I had gone quiet and she asked,"Why are you so quiet?"

Kitsu jumped in,"Is it because of that incident? And don't shake your head,"she said, pointing at me,"you always get that look on your face whenever you think about it, anyways, its time you told us about it, you've been keeping it a secret for weeks!"

This time, even Hera was nodding,"We're worried about you."she said.

I looked at both of them and said,"Fine. I don't want to go home because..... I don't want to cause trouble for my friends, especially one that's close to me. My mom is... I don't know a word to describe her anymore. She chases me for my 'legacy' which I don't know what it even is. My friends around me always have gotten hurt, some have even died, I can't go back bring trouble for them anymore."

"So your running away?"said a voice. It was Kitsu's.

I shook my head,"No, I'm not, I don't want to be trouble for my friends."

"So your running away! Look, if you stay here, your just leaving the problem with your friends, that's not right, that will cause more trouble for them. If you don't want anymore trouble for them, stop making them think your dead, go tell them your alive and your sorry and defeat your mother!"Kitsu shouted.

I was taken aback, Kitsu never had been that firm, she had always acted like a kid, complaining, now she was there, scolding me for running away. After a moment of silence, I said,"You're right, I'll go to them tomorrow, I won't be running away anymore."

Kitsu smiled,"That's the Keefe I know."

At night, I lay down in bed, thinking and thinking, the thought that lingered in my mind the most before I went to bed was, Will Sophie ever forgive me?

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