The Planting

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  Sophie glanced up to the sky, trapped in her own thoughts.She had been doing this for hours, days, she couldn't count. Grady and Edaline had tried to cheer her up, but they couldn't, she was always getting distracted from things,  she was distracted even when the Black Swan held an important meeting. But nothing mattered, Keefe was gone, and nothing could change that. Nothing, Nothing, Nothing.Her brain echoed.

 Three days ago, the dwarves went to check for Keefe's body, they reported that nothing was there and that they were pretty sure they checked carefully. Upon hearing the news, Sophie had cried for about a day, maybe more than that. 

Lady Gisela and the rest of the Neverseen were held in prison until after Keefe's planting. After Lady Gisela found out about her son, she had just kept still and kept mumbling things to herself.  "Excuse me." A man said, snapping Sophie out of her thoughts. It was Lord Cassius.

 To her surprise, Lord Cassius looked tired and looked like he had cried as much as Sophie did.He also did not look like he had eaten for days and his dressing did not look good. 

Lord Cassius looked at Sophie and said" Well look who we have here, its the famous Sophie Foster coming to pay respects to my son. Well then, thank you."Sophie was surprised he said that."Why do you say thank you to me?"She asked. Lord Cassius said, "I knew that I was the worst parent in the world but I couldn't stop. It was a habit and after I found out about my wife I got worse. But you guided him out of the madness. You kept him from breaking apart. Heck, he even shouted out loud one day that he loved you. Not really, but it was close. I have to thank you for that." 

"So... you really loved your son?"Sophie asked, hardly believing it when Lord Cassius nodded."Well I guess we both have something we love about Keefe that we don't share, don't we?''Lord Cassius asked. Sophie mumbled out a "Yes" and took off trying to walk as far away as possible from Lord Cassius. She walked till she reached the middle of the crowd when she heard Councillor Emery's loud voice booming across the whole forest, saying, "We are here to plant the seed of a fellow elf, Keefe Scencen. He sacrificed his life to capture the Neverseen and many other things." 

Sophie noticed Councillor Emery looked at her when he said the last part.

After saying that, Councillor Emery handed Keefe's seed with a strand of Keefe's DNA in it to Lord Cassius.Lord Cassius quietly and with trembling hands put the seed and the strand of hair into the hole dug out and covered the hole back up again. He watered it and the plant immediately sprang up, the tree was covered in ice blue flowers and shaggy blonde leaves, the tee was also crooked, mirroring Keefe's smirk. Then, surprisingly, tears dripped from Lord Cassius eyes but he didn't wipe them, he just stood there silently.


A few hours later, almost everyone had gone, except Sophie, Sandor and Fitz. Seeing everyone was gone except Sophie and himself, Fitz quickly walked over to Sophie and said," Come on Sophie, let's go home." Sophie looked up at him and shook her head, "I want to stay here for awhile more."Fitz frowned, "Why? You already paid respects to him. Why do you need to stay? And besides,"he added, mumbling under his breath,"He's not worth your time anyway."

Hearing those words, Sophie angrily said, "Keefe is definitely worth my time! I love him!" Fitz eyes widened,"You love him? But I thought you loved me!"Sophie shook her head, "I-I do love you Fitz, I just love you like a brother, not as the love of my life."

Fitz frowned, "But-But- what about the Vacker legacy?""The Vacker legacy?So all you care about is the Vacker legacy? Honestly, have you no shame to talk about the Vacker legacy at Keefe's planting?Your best friend's planting?"Sophie shouted. 

Fitz turned red," I'm sorry Sophie.Please forgive me. I-I- just, I don't know, I just haven't got anything right these days. You're right, I love you, but just not in the way of a lover.I'm sorry, could you forgive me?"Sophie was about to say yes but suddenly, Alden appeared, saying, "There you are! I was starting to get worried-""And there you have it!The person who claims he has not been meddling but well, is certainly meddling comes here!" Sophie looked around, it was Ro, she had managed to hide from them all that while."What do you mean Ro?"Sophie asked.

"I mean,"Ro said"Alden has been meddling with you guys lives, you know that?""I don't get it."Fitz said. Ro sighed, and said" Well your Father,"She pointed to Alden."Has been certainly meddled with Keefe's, yours and Blondie's love life. He even talked to Keefe about it. And don't you try to deny it."She warned Alden.

Alden sighed, and nervously said,"It's true.""WHAT!!!"Sophie and Fitz shouted.

Alden nodded, explaining that he thought that Fitz and Sophie loved each other and decided that if anything would stand in their way, he would immediately try to stop it, also addIng that he was super sorry for everything he had caused.

"That's it?"Ro said after Alden finished.She looked at Sophie, "So are you gonna forgive him or not?"Sophie nodded,"Yes I forgive you guys but I please don't do that again. I love Fitz, but in a brotherly way.""Thank you."The two Vackers replied. They said their goodbyes and leaped away. Ro looked at Sophie, adding one last thing before she left,"Don't let this break you okay?Lord Hunkyhair wouldn't want that to happen."Sophie nodded and Ro too, leaped away leaving her alone with Sandor.

........................................................Two months later.........................................................

"Hey Keefe."Sophie said. She had been visiting his tree every week and had not missed a day."Time flies past doesn't it?I mean, its already been two months since your death, you know. All our friends are doing fine, everyone says they miss you a lot. Today's special since I'm not with Sandor this time, remember you called him Giganator?"Sophie chuckled,"Anyway, I have to get going soon, Biana wants to do a makeover on me."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll come back next week and I-""Foster?"A voice said behind her.Anger burned through Sophie's skin,"No one calls me that except-"She turned around, facing the person who just said those words."-You."

Hah!Another cliffhanger!I really enjoyed writing this chapter, or I do but my hands are really aching right now. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!Now I just gotta stop talking and start on a new chapter!Enjoy!

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