The Plan

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 "So how are we gonna save Sophie?''Biana asked.''If you ask me, I think she can save herself.''Fitz muttered. Keefe gritted his teeth, he really wanted to punch Fitz right there and then.But.Saving Sophie was his top priority. "We plan to sneak into their hideout with every one of you there to help, we also will be taking special crystals like these, "Mr. Forkle held up five shimmering crystals,"that cannot be tracked and then you will be able to leap Ms. Foster by yourselves if you guys ever manage to see her. Miss Vacker, Mr. Tam and Wraith will vanish or disappear when I tell them to and while we distract the Neverseen by appearing, they will be able to grab Sophie and leap out of there, and then return to fight with us.Everyone clear?"Mr. Forkle said.They all nodded and pulled up their Neverseen hoods and quietly started walking towards the hideout.


Mr. Forkle, gave the signal and Wraith, Tam and Biana disappeared and waited for their next signal to start moving. The others quickly followed Mr. Forkle to to the entry way and Dex managed to hack right into the hideout in three minutes flat.''On a count of three we go into the hideout and follow the plan. Remember that the main objective is not taking down the Neverseen today but saving Ms. Foster, got it?' 'Mr. Forkle whispered. Everyone nodded.''One, two, THREE!"Mr. Forkle shouted, bursting into the hideout, ready to attack.The place was silent."Careful, it might be a trap."Mr.Forkle whispered. Tam, Biana and Wraith reappeared, in case of any attacks. "Whose out there!Show yourself!''Dex shouted. Suddenly, a cage fell over them with a loud"CLANG!!!" Mr.Forkle shook the handle bars, but they wouldn't budge. Then, Dex found a lock and shouted,"HEY GUYS!!!I think I can pick this lock, just give me a sec.....""Oh No you won't....." A guy in a cloak with a eye on it. He lifted up his hood, revealing himself as Gethen, he snapped his fingers and suddenly, there were a hundred more locks in front of them."You won't be able to light leap out, if that's what you're thinking, there is a shield that prevents light from entering. So that means your stuck with us, aren't you?Well then say hello to the last day of living then." The whole group looked around frantically, he was right, there was no way out and they were doomed.

Heh, heh, heh, try to guess what happens next!SPOILER ALERT!: Next part might make you cry soooooooo, I guess you have to deal with it then! I'll update soon!

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