"Your uncle was weak, just like you. You two always did have that in common and I blame him for turning you into a joke of a Don. Why couldn't you be more like Salvatore growing up, hm? Why couldn't you just do as you were told? Maybe then I wouldn't have had to beat some sense into you." He sneered.

"Don't forget that Salvatore used to be like me. He was afraid to kill too but after you took him in when Omar died, you brainwashed him into being one of your fucking soldiers who was always at your beck and call!" I raised my voice at him, my nostrils flaring as I tightened my jaw.

There was a time where Salvatore and I used to hate the way that we grew up. Neither of us wanted the life that we were given but it was inevitable. Whether we liked it or not, it was always going to be the life that we lived.

After our mother's died, that's when things changed for the both of us. I was the only person there that day Orlando came and killed my aunt and mother in front of me on my ninth birthday. My uncle, my father, Salvatore-they were all gone but when Salvatore came home to see his mother dead inside of my lap, he snapped.

For a while, he blamed me for not doing anything to stop his mama from dying and he stopped talking to me, only speaking to my father and my uncle. Not even a full year later, his father passed away and that's when he really lost it. If my father wanted him to kill, Salvatore would kill without batting a fucking eye.

He had it rough growing up. Losing his mother and father within such a close proximity really fucked him up in the head. I may be a killer but Salvatore is different. He shows no remorse for the people he's killed-no mercy. If anything, he's worse than I am. He doesn't care or sympathize with his victims. He doesn't do second chances. He's fucking mad.

People fear me but they really should fear Salvatore. He's slowly losing his goddamn mind and it's only a matter of time until he shuts down completely and goes fucking ballistic.

"I didn't have to brainwash Salvatore because unlike you, he killed willingly." He spat back.

"He was only willing to do it after you constantly drilled into our fucking minds that killing was what made us strong!"

"I wouldn't have had to if you both weren't such pussies! Your mothers babied you all the time and turned you both soft. Without me, you two wouldn't have made it one second in the life that you live now. You should be fucking thanking me for everything that I've done to you!" His words processed quickly throughout my mind and the next thing I knew, my fist was connected to the side of his face.

He stumbled back as he held onto the railing and I immediately latched onto his shirt as I bent his back over the rail, threatening to let him fall. People screamed as they looked up at us, running around and exiting the club. My eyes glared heavily into his own as he held onto my arm, afraid that I would drop him.

"I'd rather die before I thank a piece of shit like you." I growled in his face, hitting him harder and he chuckled, blood covering his teeth as he grinned at me.

"What the fuck are you grinning at?" I seethed, earning no response as he continued to grin. I let him scoot further along the railing until half of his body was dangling. My hand found the gun in the back of my slacks and I pulled it out, placing it under his chin.

"Go on boy, kill me." He chuckled, the raspiness of his voice only making me angrier as unwanted memories of my childhood came back, flooding my mind.

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