Chapter 15

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"Where is Irene?" Osaze asked as soon as Desmond walked back into TY's apartment. He shrugged and took a seat on the now empty couch he shared with Irene moments ago.

"She has gone home. Hasn't she?" Osaze sat back eyes on Desmond. "She's not feeling well. She had to." He replied and took a sip from the cup in front of him.

"That's a lie. Irene is perfectly fine." Osaze replied with a big scowl on her face. "How would you know that? You're no doctor."

"You're not a doctor either so how sure are you she's not feeling well?" Osaze asked and I sensed what was coming and I was pretty sure Ola sensed it as she spoke up "Guys forget this, we were playing a game."

"No, I'm not ignoring it this time. Everyone sides with Irene even when she's in the wrong. Why the hell does she feel too important?" Osaze asked and took off her glasses seething in rage.

"Osaze." Desmond called softly "Stop this." "Heck, I won't. Y'all just being fake, you don't tell the truth to Irene and when I try you shut me up?"

"Osaze." Desmond called this time his voice more stoic and it seemed more like a warning.

"All of you are just kissing her ass. You don't tell her the truth. All of you are fake. No real friends will do this. The only person apart from me that tells that girl the truth is Theodore."

"Osaze." Desmond called again and I could see the veins popping at the side of his head. "You know that Irene is going through a lot even though she likes to act like nothing is wrong. Ever since Ivory passed away, she hasn't been herself and we all know it. Sometimes we have to reason with her." Desmond said in reply.

"Goddammit! She's not the only one that has gone through shit. Everyone has one way or the other and that doesn't make her special. I think she's just a freaking attention seeker and all of you are bloody hypocrites." She said and I saw it. He snapped, Desmond snapped.

"Shut the fuck up." He thundered. "Will you just shut that trash hole you call a mouth up. I've had it up to here." He said I raised his left hand to his jaw. "I don't know what Irene has ever done to offend you but one thing is clear, I won't spare you if you do anything drastic so you better keep your sick assumptions to yourself and fuck off!"

I had never seen Desmond that angry. He appeared to be the most mature and sensible one in the group but seeing him this made made me realize how my h he cares about Irene.

"Why am I even wasting my time with you all." Osaze stated and gave everyone a one over excluding me. "I shouldn't bother myself with toxic people." She stated and look away.

I watched Desmond as he tried to control his anger. "Then leave." It came out in a low husky tone. My eyes snapped towards the owner of the voice. It was TY.

If I had thought Desmond was furious earlier then I didn't know how to name what TY was feeling because the glare he sent Osaze's way looked like it could produce lasers. The intensity of the glare had this don't fuck with me aura.

"I don't want to stay." She stated and got up, grabbed her laptop bag and her denim jacket which she slung across her shoulder. Getting to the door she opened it and turned back to face the guys.

"Fuck y'all!" And her middle finger flew up. The loud slamming of the door alerted me about her exit and I got up. There's nothing more to do anyway. I thought.

"I'll take my leave now." I stated and they just nodded still shaken from the incident with Osaze. "Alright then, see you guys on Monday I said and made for the door.

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