
"I-I'm pregnant"

"Ow ow ow ow hand hand hand"

I was so in shock that I squeezed his hand almost stopping blood from flowing through it.

"babe loosen up" loosening my grip I looked at Taehyung with fear haunting over me.

"I'm actually pregnant taehyung what am I going to do, I have no experience, I have never been in a situation like this," I was speaking extremely fast. Almost breaking down right there until a warm hand was placed on both sides of my face.

"Hey hey baby look at me"

I looked down holding back tears that managed to begin falling as I sat there overthinking more and more.

"Look at me kitten~" I looked up at the boy who was glaring at me with a soothing look on his face.

"Babe I am going to be here by your side every single hour of the day. I promise I'll take care of you and my baby that will soon be here. Don't you dare worry, I am right here"

tears streamed down my face and he placed his forehead on mines. he hummed that same relaxing tune from earlier for 30 seconds. That Was all the time he needed to calm my nerves.

"I promise baby"

"You promise? You truly mean it ?"

"Yes I do, trust me?"

"Yes... I trust you"

He wiped my tears and placed a warm wet kiss on my mouth 

"eww babe that was so wet"

"You want another~"

"Nooo go away~" He grabbed my face and began placing wet kisses on my neck, face, and lips. A warm feeling spread throughout my body as he kissed me. I couldn't stop giggling and laughing at the taller's attempt to make me happy. I wrapped my arms around him and looked up smiling.

"I love you Kim Taehyung" It took me a long second to realize what I had just said and I froze.and soon jumped off of the bed. 

"Umm thanks Doc I am so grateful okay bye." I panicked After saying those three words and ran out of the room.

"JIMIN" He grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Do you really love me"



"Please tell me if you do"

"Taehyung I really do love you."

he put his hands in mines

"I haven't felt this way in so long and it feels so good"

"Jimin I love you more.~" He kissed me and touched my still flat stomach.

"I'm only a couple of days pregnant~"

"I know I just can't wait until you have a little bump with my baby... "

"Babe I have to call Hwa and tell him..."

Yet another kiss from him, Of course, I didn't mind because his kisses were the best.

"Go ahead Ill be outside Ms.Amanda's Room"

Phone call:


"Heyy jimin what you up to"

"I'm at the hospital someone important to taehyung is having her baby"

"Ohhh and you are there with him? Does that mean you admitted to having feelings and you guys finally date and I can delete your tinder account"

"What tinder account?"


"Hmm well yes we are dating now, and It's amazing but there's something else"

"What is it?"

"I cant strip anymore"

"Really why?"

"I-I'm pregnant"

I heard the phone drop on the other end and a bunch of noises before it was calm again

"IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE "  This was a different voice, Jin

"Yea you are"

"Wow jimin what are you gonna do instead"

"I'll still manage at taehyung's but I just cant strip."

Hwa had the phone now

"Wahhhh I'm so excited"

"Me too but I gotta go Ill talk to you later"


Call end

I made my way back to my boyfriend who smiled at the sight of me

"Hi sweetheart"

"Hello babe"

We entered the room slowly and noticed Ms.Amanda who had her baby and was sitting in her room with her husband and with the small boy in her arms. 

"Isn't he just beautiful." She said as we got close enough to see the boy in her arms.

"Nim Taelyn"

"Taelyn is it?"

"I wanted the name to be close enough to my firstborn"

"I love you eomma"

"I love you more my son"

He fixed his gaze on me and hugged me even though I was clearly shorter

"We starting our journey now okay my love?"

"I'm ready"

-Chapter end




~ (a/n) I literally fuckin loved this chapter it was the cutest thing ever and I- just bye. Yes, our Chim Chim is preggo and the next couple chapters are going to be about his journey so stay tuned. BYEEE

Strip for me: Vmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now