Arthur: I'm sorry, Merlin. I'm always the one being protected. But i couldn't protect you!

Slader: A man shouldn't cry forever. I'm sure that even big sister would say so.

Arthur: But... I'm sure that Merlin's disappointed in me.

Meliodas: Then i guess we'll have to hear it from Merlin herself, huh?

Arthur: Sir Meliodas! Have your wounds healed?

Meliodas: Nope, not at all.

But to show that he was better he stroked the breasts of Elizabeth who was very embarrassed

Elizabeth: H-Huh...

Meliodas: So, tell me what happened. I don't see Galand just slinking away without finishing us off.

Suddenly Gowther turned and was only covered with a towel

Gowther: I manipulated his memories a bit. And making him think that he did finish you off, you see.

Meliodas: So you're back in your normal form! But why are you dressed like that?

Suddenly Gowther took off his towel

Suddenly Gowther took off his towel

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Gowther: I have no clothes!

Meliodas: Dont show us that. Hey are you okay now?

Gowther: In what way?

Meliodas: Well, you remember...

Gowther: You don't have to worry about me losing control. Since i have this restraint bracelet to stop me. This is Merlin magic item a prototype of the Peace amulet.

Meliodas: Did you put that on yourself ?

Gowther: No.

Merlin: I put it on Gowther when he wasn't looking.

Gowther: Heh, heh!

Slader: That voice!

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Slader: That voice!

Arthur: Merlin?

Merlin: I'm right here.

The Cursed Demon (Zeref OC X Seven Deadly Sins)Where stories live. Discover now