Chapter 23

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3rd Pov

King and Diane were hiding from each other and embarrassed by what had just happened

King: S-Sorry! B... But Diane... You didn't even notice that I was standing right here...!!

Diane: I...It's still your fault, King! If you had thoroughly checked the area you would have know I was here...

But both thought of other things at the same time

King/Diane: I... I saw it... All of it!

Both blushed strongly but smiled

Diane: I guess it kinda my fault though... I just lost myself in my dancing... Serve me right for acting so carefree in the first place.

King: N-No... I mean... I am the Fairy King after all... as such, It falls on my to get my act together in time like these... I-It's just... There's no sign at all that they're growing.

Diane: W-Well... There's nothing to be ashamed of, even if nothing's growing. After all... You're you, King.

King: Thanks, Diane... Huh?

Suddenly King blushed strongly when he thought that Diane was talking about "something" other than his wings.

King: E...Err... Just so we're clear... When I was talking about growing... I was talking about this here! *Pointed his back  You were too... right?!

Diane: Here? Where?

But Diane and King turned around at the same time and showed their bodies

King/Diane: Gyyyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Helbram: Moron...

After that the two got dressed and looked at the forest

Diane: I wonder what everyone back in Liones is doing right now...?

King: His death seems to have emboldened the Demon clan... They've been running rampant all across. It may simply be a matter of time before Liones falls by their hands...

Diane: Meliodas... He was such a kind boy... It was hard watching him die...

King: Up until the very end... I never understood a thing about him... And yet I do find myself wishing he were still with us.

Diane: Yeah... Hey... Why is it that the Fairy King Forest hasn't fallen under any of the demons attacks?

King: There is a barrier surrounding the forest that act as a filter... It can be manipulated to let only certain being in... Even the Commandments haven't been able to detect it's whereabouts yet.

Diane: Wow, that's amazing! I want to thank you again for letting Matrona and all her family in.

King: That doesn't mean this barrier is perfect... We're probably fine as far as actual demons go, but... There's no reason why a former Fairy King, the King of Giants or Zeref would not be able to detect it...

Diane: Gloxinia and Drole?

King: Yes... Furthermore, I find it awfully peculiar that since the day of Meliodas death, we haven't heard of or seen any movements from either of them. To be honest, that's ominous.

Diane: Right, let's make sure to stay alert. The way we are now, we don't stand a chance of beating them.

Then they joined Matrona and the others who was in the center of the forest, Matrona had a smile on seeing her children playing and seeing her leg. As Zeref promised her leg was completely regenerated

The Cursed Demon (Zeref OC X Seven Deadly Sins)Where stories live. Discover now