{4} Meeting the Tributes

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Prim's POV

"Prim! Katniss! Time to get up! It's going to be a big, big, big day!"

"I don't think the day can get much bigger," Katniss groans as we hear Effie's tiny shoes tapping down the hallway.

"Well if it does, I'm sure Effie will inform us." I mumble back.

We both get up. I let Katniss take a shower because I showered last night (I had to get all of that make up off!) I get changed in the clothes that Cinna gave both Katniss and me last night. It's a tight fitting outfit to train in. A patch on the arm reads: {12} On the back: |2| (for Second Tribute)

I don't understand way they have to see us 'First Tributes' and 'Second Tributes' We're all going to train together, get scored together, go into the arena together, and eventually, we'll die together. Well all except one.

I grimace a little, but venture out the door on my own. Effie gave us the tour of the top floor in the Training Center last night after the Tribute Parade. Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch looked as bored as anything. Cory and me, on the other hand, was having a blast! First, we glow and make the crowd go wild during the Tribute Parade. Then, we get to ride in a elevator. And now, we get to wake up in a fantastic suite.

This totally out-shines my dreams from a year ago! Which has to be pretty big, since a year ago I was still living in the Seam.

"Hello honey," Effie chirps as I walk out to the eating table where everyone sits.

"Hi," I smile and wave a little.

"Where's Katniss?" Peeta asks, turning around in his chair to look at the hall that leads to the bedrooms for the tributes.

Cory and me giggle. "Calm down, Peeta. She didn't die in there." Cory says.

"She was right behind me." I reassure him, placing my palm on him shoulder.

"Ha ha," He makes a face.

"I'm guessing I'm missing something funny." Katniss says, walking into the room. Peeta shoots up like a fire has erupted. Cory and I burst out laughing. Katniss gives him a crazy look, almost like she's afraid he'll hurt himself.

"Peeta sit down you duff!" Cory says between her giggles. Peeta's ears and cheeks turn bright red and he sits down, rubbing his neck. Slowly, Katniss sits down too.

"Shouldn't you tw--four be off to training?" Haymitch asks, walking into the room. He looks like he's still half a sleep, but then again, it's Haymitch, so he's probably drunk already.

Effie's eyes widen. "Oh no! You're right! I completely forgot to change my schedule around!" She hops up and rushes to a bag (or purse, I'm not quite sure) and starts rummaging through it. "Come on my tributes!" she shrieks. "Get up! Get up!"

I follow suit and stand up with everyone else. Effie shrieks again and resorts to dumping the whole bag out on the floor, muttering under her breath.

"I've never seen someone like her before," Cory says. I muffle my laughs.

"Why don't you four follow me, just in case crazy over there decides to start throwing things." Haymitch says, guiding us to the sitting room. "Well before you go out there, I have some advise."

"Well that's a shocker," Katniss cuts him off.

"Sweetheart, this is my show, not yours. And I would appreciate it if you would shut up." He receives a glare. "Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, it's important to have some friends out there in the arena. You guys are the outsiders. These victors have been friends for years. The kids, well, lets say they played together as babies. My point is, their first target is going to be you four."

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