{16} Moving is never easy

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Katniss' POV

After the train pulled up at District Twelve's station, I was put through an hour of hugging and thanking and taking pictures. And another two hours hiding away in the house because it seemed like the cameras refused to leave.

Prim and I had dinner with our mother and tried our best to blend in like we used to--but nothing's the same anymore. Everything's been flipped and turned upside-down.Mom noticed and she left us alone.

It only took Prim three days to join my mother again in the kitchen. She smiled and laughed, as she should. It's not like the Games should always haunt her, though she still slips into my bed at night after waking from the nightmares.

I try to comfort her, but most of the time I act like I'm asleep. She slips from my arms before I get up so the only thing that shows she was there are a few stray strands of blonde hair.

Bram called twice, but each time Prim refused to talk. She mumbled excuses and slipped right away.

Prim got sick right after we arrived. She must have eaten something bad in the Capitol. A few days later, I started throwing up. She must have passed it on to me.


The Mellarks stay locked up in their house. Since Peeta was killed, the house that he owned in the Victor's Village was off limits. But Cory is now a victor so she got her own house. They had to go through a big fiasco moving all their stuff from one house to the one right next to it. If you ask me, I think it's pointless. Why should they move? Couldn't they have just stay there?

But no one did ask.

It's been a week since they announced the end of the Quarter Quell. The Capitol's been celebrating and partying the whole time. And from what Madge was telling me, the people in the districts are actually happy. It's surprising, really, that so much could change. Wasn't it only a few months ago that they were causing chaos? Wasn't there whispers of rebellion prior to the Games?

All of it's a shock to my system. Prim told me I really should get out of the house and join civilization again--but I don't. I've only seen the people who come looking for me. Prim and Mom are always around, and Madge stops by occasionally. Prim told me that Cory came by when I was asleep.

Gale hasn't stopped by once.

A part of me thinks he knows what happened during the Games. But another part scolds. How can he know what happened if you don't know yourself?

Now, I sit quietly as person after person stands up and says a few words about Peeta Mellark. They asked me if I wanted to say anything, but I shook my head. I'm not the one who's good with words--Peeta is.


I don't cry, of course. I can't let myself. I've always been the strong one. I've always looked after Prim and told her everything would be okay--now she's doing it to me. Dad told me once that the strongest thing in the world was family, because family never gave up on each other. He's right.

So I sit through speech after speech, picture after picture. I sit through tears and snot and crying. I never once look up. I never once take my eyes from the pearl in my hands. Not when Cory walks up. Not when Prim walks up.

After, when Prim and our mother stands up, carrying roses, I follow. I don't know if it's by chance or stupid luck, but some how I manage to be the last person placing a flower on his stone. Though mine's not red like everyone else's, mine's yellow. A perfect, bright, yellow dandelion that means life can still go on. After everything that has happened, this is my last gift to him--his first gift to me.

I leave after that. Silently walking away and leaving the cameras behind. I know I meant to go back home, but somewhere along the way I turned around and found myself in the middle of the meadow.

I sit with my hands in my lap, my hair down, my eyes closed. Something about the stillness is exactly what I need. Peeta told me the night he gave me the pearl that he always preferred my hair down, so I'm leaving it down for him.

I don't know how long I sit there, but after awhile someone sits next to me. I guess a part if me knew he'd find me. We don't speak. We don't look at each other. We don't move.

Nothing's the same anymore. Why should this be?

"You know, when I first saw you I knew my life was gonna change," Gale says softly. "I guess I didn't realize how much it would until it already did." he continues, clearly not fazed by my lack of response.

"Katniss, I know something happened in the arena. I know something happened between you and Peeta. But I want you to know that it's okay. I'll still be here when you decide you need me. I won't leave you, Katniss." He sighs. "This probably sounds like I'm barging in on you, but I swear I'm not. I just want you to know what your options are. If you need someone to talk to, I'm listening. If you need anything at all, I'm ready. Just don't do anything stupid. Please."

I don't say anything.


So you would think since school's not going on we would have more time to write, but that's clearly not the case.... Sorry

Next chapter's the last one, though!

- Hateya and Strong
Lovs wly ♥

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