
I wasn't sure what she'd have to do to find herself. If it hurt her, I would stop it. I would be her bodyguard, now and forever. Maybe sometime shed understand just how much I needed to be there for her, to protect her. Maybe someday she'd get me, understand me.

Maybe some day shed love me.

For now, though, I had to get Damien to talk to me, because his constant crying was making me sick.

Edward : confident, badass, protective, smart (that ones not obvious but it's true!) jealous



I wasn't a baby, and I didn't usually act like one. It's just what she said... that hurt. It was in that moment I remembered the look in Mazza's eyes as I killed her. When I looked back and concentrated on them, really CONCENTRATED on them, I could see just how much she'd wanted me to stop. But I couldn't stop, could I?

I couldnt keep Teddy here against her will any longer, but she couldn't go home. If I let her out, she'd have nowhere else to go. I had to keep her with me until I sorted that out.

She was half way in the transition from human to vampire. No doubt it was hurting her - it WOULD hurt her, and it would be changing her. She wouldn't be able to control her feelings, or indeed control them. That would probably hurt her the most.

I understood how she'd feel. After all, I'd been changed. It had hurt, more than I could even remember.

But, as Edward talked to me, I realised something. I wasn't listening to him - I was just letting his words wash over me like rain water. But I realised something as he talked.

I was giving up, and I'd always been taught NOT TO GIVE UP.

So I raised my head, and I vowed to myself something : I wasn't going to give up anymore. I wasn't a baby. I wasn't going to cry anymore, I wasn't going to give up. I was going to Teddy, and I was going to talk to her. She was GOING to listen. Then I could rest. I'd know I hadn't give up. I would know I was too strong to give up.

Dear Teddy,

I understand I've hurt you. I get I shouldn't. I know it's killing you inside. So I'm giving you a gift.

I've given you the gift of immortal life, but only now I realise that's not enough.

So I'm gonna give you my soul.

Damien : confident, badass, Gem-miracled (you'll find out what that means later ;) ), strong-hearted, ready





Hans wasn't awake yet. As far as I knew, no one was. Except Edward and Damien, obviously. The idiots were stupid enough to go out and morn there favourite, yet lost sister. It agonised me to know that, even though they'd only known her as a baby, they favoured Mazza over me. Thats why I refused to go to their 'daily remembrance', and why I was sat in my room right now, not sure what to do.

I ended up watching Hans sleep for a while because, hey, I was bored! What was I SUPPOSED to do? There wasn't any talking in the corridor, and I don't know why I thought it, but I felt like i needed to check out there, like there was someone waiting, someone who needed me. Someone who'd, finally, give me my chance to shine.

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