Chapter Seventeen

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It had been a long and very late night and boy did Mötley get onto the booze; as usual. Tripping on a body as I stumbled to my feet. The room was completely filled with strangers, not one person from Mötley Crüe was here. Did they leave me behind? Did I end up going walkabout into another party? The hotel room was very dark considering the light that was hidden behind the curtains. My head was spinning and it seemed as though I had lost all sense of direction, not to mention I had drank too much last night.

"Nikki?" I call out, feeling the anxiety of not knowing where I was take over me. Not to mention I had no idea where the door was, it seemed as though once I found it, it had disappeared.

"Nikki?" I call out again, feeling as though the roof of the hotel room had shrunk halfway down. Dropping to the ground in fright, I let out a scream and shielded my head protectively. Hearing no noise or any pressure among my body, I removed my arms from my head and stood up. My heart rate was already speeding up and my stomach felt like it had hit the ground. Feeling as though I was in an aeroplane at takeoff. Snapping my head around in search of the front door, I spotted it in the corner and began heading for it. Hearing the moans and groans from the people that surrounded me, I ignored it and continued on for the door. But the closer I seemed to get to it the further it got away from me.

"Nikki where are you?" I scream out panicking, tumbling over a body that was in the way, I face planted with a sound of a slap. Trying to get back to my feet, the best I could do was sit up; but it felt like I was concreted to the floor. My feet wouldn't move, the harder I tried the more I failed. Tears began to stream down my cheeks and my breath shortened. The walls around me began to draw in closer to my body and make it harder to breath. I was being boxed in, just like a caged animal in the dark.

"Help me Nikki! Please Nikki!" I cry out. The floor below me, seemed to crumble and before long I was falling, the room I had been previously in was broken above me and getting further and further away as I sunk into a black hole.

Jolting awake from my nightmare, I let out a scream in fright and scrambled off of the bed. Everything around me seemed to be shaking and the walls around me began to close in as they had in my dream.
My chest grew tight and my breathing sped up just as my heart rate did.

"Nikki!" I scream trying to back away from the walls that were closing in on me. I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn't it felt like they were stitched open.

"Nikki! Help!" My voice cracked as I broke down. Finally able to snap my eyes shut, I tried to recap my breathing but nothing was working, it felt like I had lost control of my bodily functions.

"Suzie-Q!" Nikki's voice echoed in my head. I didn't understand what was going on, and as what you would do when reacting to this was close your eyes. But that seemed to make everything worse. Opening my eyes, I trembled snapping my head around paranoid as the walls continued caving in.

"Nikki please help me!" I cry.

"Baby what's wrong? Tell what's wrong!" Nikki's arms wrap around me, securely.
I could just faintly see Nikki, but all that I managed to see was the walls getting closer and closer.

"Suzie-Q, what's wrong with her Nikki!" Vince yells out frantically.

"I don't fucking know, just stop this fucking bus!" Nikki yelled out.

"They're trapping me! Please stop them! Please Nikki stop them!" I urge, I was crying loudly and I was terrified. I had no idea what was going on and that was what was scaring me the most.

"Fuck! Suzie-Q? Baby, babe please I don't know what to do!" Nikki cried out in a panic.

Yet again squeezing my eyes shut, I could feel Nikki pick me up and carry me away. It was hard to breath, especially when I was struggling to inhale air. I had never been so scared in my entire lifetime.

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