Chapter Fifty-Three

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"So I take it you and Nik had fixed things between each other?" Mick questions as I sat beside him, I was trying my best not to bring up the food I was trying to keep down. But I knew it wanted to come back up, it was irritating me.

"I honestly don't know Mick, I don't think we have." I murmur, in my opinion we hadn't. He still hadn't given me a reason to how and why something happened between himself and Erin. All I wanted was honestly, even if it may hurt like hell and hit me like a tonne of bricks.

"You don't think so?!" Nikki's gruff voice sounds from behind. Feeling my breath cut short, I looked over my shoulder to see Nikki who had now stood beside me. His hair was hung loosely around his face, he was wearing a dark blue loose fitting long sleeved shirt, it was covered in white poke-a-dots. He was also wearing tight fitting navy coloured jeans with his black cowboys boots. In his hands he held a bunch of red roses. "What's that suppose to mean?!" He gritted his teeth, anger washing over him instantly.

"It means what it means. I don't know if we have Nik." I murmur, I felt like a bitch, but at least I was honest about what I was saying.

Nikki glared at me before scoffing and rolling his eyes. Feeling my heart begin to race, I watched him cautiously.

"Oh yeah and why the fuck is that? In my opinion we have." Nikki spat, through it all, Mick had grown silent as he watched the scene behold in front of his very own eyes, good thing we were basically the only ones in the restaurant.

"I need honesty Nik! You refuse to tell me what happened between you and Axl's girl and why it happened!" I harshly return, making sure not to raise my voice. I was trying to stay calm.

"You want to fucking know what happened? I'll tell you what happened. I was horny alright?! She was fucking there and asked me to zip the back up on her outfit, because Axl was nowhere to be seen. I did, she was turning me on and making it worse, something else happened and we began to make out alright?! You weren't there for me, so it could've been us or there to even stop me." He accused. So it was my fault he was kissing another woman?! What had he been smoking? It was in no way my fault! Not only was it that which offended me, it was also the fact that he put it across as all I was to him was practically a booty-call. Now hearing all that hurt. It fucking hurt.

I was lost for words as I hopelessly stared up at Nikki, he continued to glare down at me. "And that isn't the first time I've fooled around with her while we have been together, I have multiple times. You happy now?! You've got it out of me!" He snaps moments later. Feeling my gut wrench and a small pain in my chest, I couldn't say anything.

"Here, have your stupid flowers." He menacingly says, throwing the bunch at me, which of course hit my face on the way through.

"Man what do you think you're doing?!" Mick raises his voice.

Feeling a sting on my cheek, I brushed the thrones roses off and pushed back my chair, surprisingly Nikki hadn't moved yet. Staring ahead blankly for a moment, I then slowly rose from my chair and turned to face Nikki.

"And you wonder why I question your love." I mumble moments later, hoping it made sense to him and sunk into his thick skull. "Take your roses back, they might be needed for later when you go fool around with your rag doll." With that, I walked away without another word spoken, I was in shock.

As I slowly walked out of the restaurant, I felt something tickling my face. Wiping my cheek with the palm of my hand, I gazed down at it to see a patch of smudged blood. Bloody thorned roses. They were surely beautiful and almost flawless, except for those nasty thorns. Nikki was killing me, but I was thankful he did tell me. Not saying I was happy about it due to I only seemed to be his sex toy, I was there when he was horny, he was using me in my opinion. Now knowing that really annoyed me, I wanted to make him feel the way I felt. I wanted his heart to ache as he continued to make mine feel, as coldly as possible, I wanted to make him feel pain. Let him suffer from someone he supposedly loves.

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