Chapter Sixty-Six

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Sitting in the pub, I kept mostly to myself thinking about everything. Allowing it to continuously click over in my head. I didn't want to leave, not one bit, but it wasn't a bad idea. Nikki and Angry now had quite a lot of bad blood between them, I couldn't stand to see that. I loved them both, I loved Angry as he was my father but I also loved Nikki because he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But Nikki and I were still estranged, we hadn't sorted anything out. We didn't have clear enough heads to do so, plus with how hectic a tour can be, it wouldn't ever sort itself out. Not until it finished and everyone settled down and rested.

"Thought I'd catch ya here." A voice behind me chuckles. Looking over my shoulder, I connected eyes with Slash. Why was he here? I mean, we didn't speak that often.

"What's up? You following me?" I then turn my head back to my drink. I was nursing it and by now all of the ice within the whiskey and coke had melted. Leaving it looking rather watered down.

"No. Just thought you could use the company." He takes a seat beside me, instantly ordering a Jack Daniels from the bartender.

"Oh yeah, thanks I guess." I poke my finger into my drink and stir it. Watching the liquor swirl around and around.

"So, Angry's here to take you away, hey? I gotta say, I never expected that to happen. But it also doesn't fucking surprise me." Slash sips his liquor. Since when does he sip?

"Yeah, well it's happening. So much for having my own life, I fuck it up that much that my bloody father that I haven't seen in about 3 or maybe 4 years! Comes to take me away." I laugh sarcastically before taking a swig of the semi-cool drink.

"Maybe it's a good thing." He suggests with a soft smile. I on the other hand turned to him and glared.

"Aren't you suppose to be practicing or writing lyrics?" I ignore his comment.

"Probably. But I ain't." He chuckles.

"Why don't you go make yourself useful. Who knows, you might or could write a hit. Hey I have an idea, write a song about how fucked up my life is." I drink again.

"I ain't that creative. I mean some or the things that have happened these past few months, I would have never imagined in a million years. Like you and Axl being stranded together." He drinks again, trying to hold back another laugh.

"Yeah I guess so." I giggle. "That wasn't something anyone was prepared for I don't reckon."


"What's your opinion on all of this anyway? Do you reckon it's fair?" I ask Slash, connecting eyes with him. I couldn't say I ever noticed how black his eye colour was. As dark as they were, they still had a sparkle to them.

"It's definitely out of the blue and definitely can't say it's fair, but I do think it is for the best. I mean look at you and Nik for instance. It's not improving now is it? And we all can see its tearing you both to shreds. Nikki isn't concentrating on the tour, he's too busy thinking of you and to the point he's actually fucking up more. If that's even possible. And well, what if you two really spit it? What happens if Nikki pisses off? There goes the band and tour." Slash explains.

"As bad as this sounds, regardless of what you do, it's not going to effect Guns. We have our tour, we are just opening for Mötley that's all. But seriously Sue, don't take offense to that, don't get me wrong we all love you two to bits. But at the end of the day, I'm saying it's only going to effect one band and yourself." Slash explains, the entire time his voice was incredibly soft.

"But more importantly, you should be thinking of yourself. Think of all the gains of you leaving with Angry. You'll be carefree, much more relaxed. Away from Nikki which does and doesn't make a bonus. But just weigh it up Sue. In my opinion this is your chance to break free. It's only going to get worse if you stay."

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