Chapter Sixty-Four

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It had almost been a week and it seemed as if I was being avoided by both Izzy and Tommy. I couldn't quite understand whether it was because it had something to do with my overdose. Honestly? It wouldn't surprise me. From what I had heard if it wasn't for Izzy being a drug dealer and Tommy continuously buying them off of him, putting them into "not so obvious containers" what have happened may not have happened at all.

"Still being temperamental I see." Nikki says as I was sat in the bus, alone in the little compartment.

"Excuse me?" I look up at him, he seemed to be giving me a cheeky smirk.

"Don't get your tits in a tangle, I'm just pulling your leg. So, avoiding everyone? You've been avoiding me for almost the majority of the tour anyways." Nikki sits down beside me.

"And surely you'd be smart enough to know why exactly." Was all I could reply. "You put it on yourself Nikki, if you hadn't of done any of those things in the very beginning we wouldn't be, we wouldn't be this way." I paused momentarily. "But no. Of course you had to."

"Look, you can't say you were Miss Perfect or Miss Goody Two Shoes. Might I add, who slept with Axl to get back at me? So don't start having a go at me. You're being all too hypocritical. Yes I'll admit, I made mistakes, huge fucking mistakes. But don't judge me without looking at all your stupid decisions as well." Nikki replied. "I'm sorry about everything. I fucked up-" Sighing, I cut Nikki off. He was right, we both made mistakes and because he did a wrong it doesn't make a right for me also doing wrong.

"We both fucked up." I correct. Nikki's serious expression turned into a small smile, he was impressed that I admitted to doing wrong.

"We did." He nods. "But you know, we can always not fuck up. We can try to at least." His hand slowly hovers along the top of the bed before making its way onto the top of mine. My heart skipped a beat and for a second I allowed his hand to stay where it was. That was until I removed it.

"Honestly Nikki? I'm not thinking clearly, and to be truthful, I think we should just take a-" I was cut off by Vince walking in with a troublesome expression. "Uh Sue, the phone." Vince awkwardly points to the front of the bus. Furrowing my eyebrows, I nodded before leaving Nikki on the bed and walking towards the front of the bus. Taking a seat behind the bus driver, I grabbed the phone and brought it up to my ear.

'Hello?' I ask.

'Suzie-Q, Alan here. I've currently got your father here. He and I have been talking and I think it is better you talk to Angry yourself.' Alan spoke clear as day. Shit. He had my dad with him, why did he have my dad with him?!

"Suzie-Q? You there darlin'.' Angry (my dad) asks on the other end of the line. I paused for a moment, my heart racing and my emotions running wild. I hadn't spoken to my dad in ages, almost a year type of ages.

'Hey Dad.' I eventually reply. Angry sounded as though he was relieved to hear my voice, god knows what he had been told. I guarantee Alan would have told him everything that's happened on the tour. Crap. Truthfully though, I think it was at this time that a girl really needed her father in her life. Especially with everything I've been through already. I missed him.

'By god, it's good to hear your voice baby girl. I've missed you sweetheart.' Angry says. That was the most I've really heard him say in ages. Like I said, I haven't spoken to him in ages.

'I've missed you too Dad.' I say with a small saddened smile upon my face.

'Listen darlin' I've heard everything. Sounds like there is a bit of trouble goin' on aye?' Angry says now sounding more strict the more he spoke. 'I thought I taught you better! Why the fuck did you let yourself get that low that you had a fucking overdose on Ecstasy!' Now he was getting very worked up about it. Angry was always a caring father but he always got worked up over the smallest of things. Mind you, hearing your daughter having a overdose isn't exactly a small thing. If it was my daughter, I too would be mad and very worried about their well-being. The tears began to fall from my eyes as I listened to Angry lecturing me and having a go at me for the overdose.

'I didn't mean to Dad, I'm sorry!' I cried into the phone. As I cried, the more Angry seemed to get more aggressive. Not exactly towards me, but for the fact that I overdosed on drugs.

'I'm sorry Dad. I'm sorry.' My crying increased and my eyes blurred from the tears. I could hear Angry suddenly chime down on his swearing and carrying on and simply take a deep breath. He was attempting to calm himself down. 'I know, I know. I'm sorry Sue, I just heard about it and it fucking pissed me off that you O.D'd. I just can't believe my own daughter overdosed. Quite frankly not hearing about it straight away until now has really grind my gears.' Angry explains. 'I'm just worried about you darlin' and I think we need to talk about this in person.'

'I miss you Dad, but you're back in Australia and I'm here in America.' I wipe my eyes, my chest hiccuping.

'I'm waiting for you at your next stop, alongside Alan. Wanker should have got a hold of me long ago. Not this late into everything.' Angry hisses, probably glaring at Alan as he spoke.

'Oh.' Was all I could reply. It was really getting serious now. As much as I was a grown woman, I still was slightly terrified of my father and acted like a young girl who needed her father when he was around. When I really had to talk to him, I would tell him everything and I had a feeling I would end up telling everything that has happened on the tour.

'Don't sound so disappointed to see your own Dad. I just think this is for the best. For your own good, and until we see each other in person we can't work out what should be done. I've been told you've been quite a distraction between that Motley Crue band and Guns N' Roses. When I see you, you'll tell me everything right? I need to know everything directly from the source. I need to know what is happening to my daughter.' He rambles on.

'Okay Dad.' I could feel my heart beat continuing to race. This couldn't be too good, I already knew what would happen when I'd meet up with him. I would tell him everything, he will criticize everything and have a go at me for it. I will get upset and have a go at him, walk out, than he would probably attempt to kill Nikki. Great.

'Alright darl, I will see you later. Talk to you later, love you. Bye.' Angry says just before he hangs up. Great.

Wiping my teary eyes, I hand the phone back to the bus driver and close my eyes taking a deep breath. Opening my eyes again, I noticed sitting nearby, as well as leaning against the chairs were Vince, Mick, Tommy and of course Nikki. All staring at me concerned. Vince definitely knew something was going on whilst the others truly looked confused. Tommy still held his guilty expression and found it hard to look me in the eyes, still.

"What was that all about Sue?" Mick questions.

"It was Angry. He's meeting us at our next stop." I reply, looking directly at Nikki. "You mean your Dad?" Nikki asks looking as though he was swallowing hard, now he truly looked worried. I nodded without speaking, they all knew what was going to happen. Thinking the storm had already passed, this was currently the calm before the storm. We were all going to cop it from Angry, especially Nikki and myself. Fan-fucking-tastic!


Hey guys! How's it going? Sorry for such a long wait until this update. Truth be told, I've been extremely busy with work and the boyfriend that in the last six months I pretty much forgot all about Wattpad and my stories. Also, to be completely honest, I was lost with where I was going with this book. Since it was already 60 chapters long, I was thinking it was better off coming to an end. It needs to end somewhere right? Anyway, don't be too alarmed. I've been thinking about writing a second book to this. I mean, something good has ought to happen sooner or later right? So I've been thinking a lot about it. Well that is the plan anyway. So please be very patient with me, and don't completely abandon me as I had abandoned this account. Well... I didn't abandon exactly, I've been taking notice to everyone's comments on all of my books as well as the votes and follows. So I have been watching ;)

But yes, tell me your thoughts please. I really need some feedback at this point.

Again, sorry for such a short chapter!!!

Anyway, love you all.

Cheers, vampirewerewolves.

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