s l e e p 🔗

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j u n g k o o k ' s 
p o v

" hyung.. " tae turns his head towards me. " yes Koo " 
"I wanna cuddle with yoongi hyung, but he's asleep " I whine.

" yeah I wanted to cuddle him to but he was asleep, and you know he doesn't like people touching him in his sleep. Cause he's a light sleeper. "

I agree with him. " but hyungg~ I want to hug him. " I pout.

" yeah me too kook, me too. "

" can we at least try to cuddle him in his sleep? Pleaseee~ pretty please "

He sighs "alright but if hyung wakes up and punches you it's not my fault. Now let's go. "

" yay! " I get up and walk behind the to his room.

" ok, so I'll go in the back of him and you can go in front of him"

I say to him and he just nods, we slowly climb into position trying not to wake him up.

We can snuggle into him without waking him, he is so tiny. It's like two dogs and one cat.

So smol, I smile into his neck. I slowly fall asleep, pulling hyung a little closer.

- - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - -

I wake up to someone shaking me. I look up to the person, it's Yoongi hyung.
" yes hyung, did I wake you? " seeing no tae on the other side.

" no it's okay, I was just waking you up cause it's time for dinner. Now come on, your foods gonna get cold. "

I nod getting up and stretching my muscles. I hear hyung mumble something but I didn't hear him so I just shrug.

" did you hear what I said kook-ah.. " he sounded upset. I shake my head

" no hyung, m' sorry "

" is ok, but tae.. is cheating on us with jin hyung.. " he says slowly.

" what... hyung that isn't a funny joke. Come on let's go eat dinner with tae... " he just looks at me with sad eyes.

I feel the tears fall down the face, I yoongi brings his hands to my face. " oh kookie... " I start sobbing into his shoulders.

" I thought he- he loved us... hyung what happened.. "

" I don't know kook, I was going to visit him at work and saw them go into a closet and they came out with lipstick stains on his neck and lips. Trying to wipe it off... "

I cry even more.

Hyung makes me look at me, he tries to wipe my tears, but instead, he starts breaking down too.

" What should we do kook, he's in the kitchen, thinking that we don't him and hyung are a thing.... "


oh poor baby Koo
taegikook 😃

Also back
from my hiatus



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