Soon, she'd had enough, and got up. She made her way back to her dorm, where her friends were waiting for her.

"Hey, Ruby," Blake said. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine," Ruby said.

Blake didn't buy it. She knew what it was like to be dealing with something, and trying to hide it. Heck, she didn't know anyone who didn't understand what that was like.

"I know you're hiding something," she said. "You guys taught me to open up when I need you guys. Now it's time to practice what you preach." She crouched over. "So, Ruby Rose!" She leapt into the air and landed on a chair, pointing at Ruby. "What is wrong?!"

"Didn't Weiss do that the other day?" Ruby asked.

Weiss crossed her arms, with a big smile on her face. "I did!"

"Is this about (Y/N)?" Yang asked.

"I-- um..." Ruby stuttered. She really didn't want to talk about him.

"Who's (Y/N)?" Weiss asked.

"H-He's my old boyfriend," Ruby said.

"Ex?" Weiss said. "What a jerk!"

"We didn't exactly break up," Ruby said. "He left for Atlas to be a detective. I miss him."

"Oh," Weiss said. "I'm sorry..."

"No!" Ruby said. "It's... it's fine..." She sighed. "Let's just go to bed."

She used her semblance to grab her pajamas and dashed into the bathroom.

"That bad?" Blake asked Yang.

"That bad," Yang said. "He was her closest friend after her mom died. They loved each other a lot. She really misses him."

Weiss and Blake stayed quiet, not quite sure how to handle this situation.

"Come on," Yang said. "Let's get to bed."

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Ruby sat down, knees up to her chest. She wasn't crying. She was just depressed.

She could hear Zwei scratching at the door, begging for her to get out. But she didn't listen. She continued to think about her missing boyfriend.

After a few minutes, she got dressed, and headed back to her bed.

The next morning, the sun shined into Ruby's face, waking her up. She sat up, yawned, and stretched.

She remembered the events from last night. She frowned for a moment as the memory of (Y/N) came back into her mind. The memory of her boyfriend made her chest hurt. She turned back to her sleeping friends.

Should she bring it up? She wanted to stay positive. But they'd probably bring it back up again. Should she just stay quiet? No, that would make them more worried. She should just say everything's fine, and keep her positive attitude.

Ruby got dressed, grabbed her whistle, and blew into it as loudly as she could. Her team woke up, yelling in fear. Weiss banged her head against the bunk above her.

"Good morning, Team RWBY!!!" she yelled.

"Do you really have to do that?" Weiss asked, rubbing her head.

"It's the weekend, and I think we should find something to do to celebrate yesterday's victory!" Ruby said.

"Well, aren't you feeling hyper this morning!" Yang said with a smile, and a little bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked. "Aren't you still upset about (Y/--"

"This is no time to talk about him!" Ruby said, waving a finger. "We need to find some way to celebrate our victory, and we're going to do it together!"

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