Chapter 17- Press Conference

Start from the beginning

My laughter earned me a sharp look from the two and I covered my mouth. I glanced at Chev and we shared a knowing look that we learned through the years and laughed silently.


I released my breath that I'm unconsciously holding for seconds just before Chev make a quirky comment that it's not a crime to breath.

I can hear him perfectly fine but I don't know where his statement is going.

"I meet this crazy woman just recently." His blank expression earlier was altered by a sweet smile, a genuine one that can make even the cameras in front of him blush.

He paused for a while as if reminiscing something. His sweet smile turned into a huge grin as he continued. "She created a ruckus in front of this building claiming that she's my fiancée and harassing the receptionist."

Shit! Why the need to mention all of that?

The three men beside me glanced in my way with their condemning look. I felt really embarrassed now. It's ironic I didn't feel this way when I did that, maybe desperation has that magic effect.

"I was going to a lunch meeting at that time with my colleagues when my eyes caught the guards escorting a woman outside."

No one interrupted him. Everyone was listening attentively at his story. Curious. So am I, and the three idiots beside me.

"I stopped the guard and when the woman in question turned to face me, I don't know but for the first time in my long years of existence I was speechless for seconds." He signed and smiled at the camera.

"God, I'm not good at this." He said more to himself while shaking his head slightly, but the video caught it anyway. Some of the press people laughed.

"I don't know what happened, but I guess the beautiful she-devil hypnotized me that I ended up participating in her little stunt in front of my employees with her as my fiancée."

I heard long and short oh's around him.

"So, to cut the long story short, that's where we started." He paused again as the press people were hissing here and there obviously not satisfied with him cutting the story. They want details. Complete. Unabridged.

He cleared his throat to get their attention. So this is the part where he will say and this is where it's going to end.

"And hell I don't want this thing between us to end." He said with conviction directly looking at the camera. I feel like he's talking to me personally.

What did he just say?

I'm speechless. Not that I'm talking a while ago, but yes definitely I'm speechless. And the three idiots, well their speechless too.

Who wouldn't be? We're 110 percent sure that he will break the engagement today. So what the crap is happening? Not that I'm complaining. No I'm not. Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, I'm elated. I don't know but I feel like jumping up and down now except that I can't do that in front of those three. Yes I'm crazy, but there's a limit to it.

Maybe I can do that when I'm alone in my room. Okay fine, I'm crazy to the end of the world and back.

"You're probably thinking I'm a fool for sticking with her after all those scandals. She's not perfect and so am I. I've done far worse. Ironically, no one ridiculed me for that." He's talking seriously now, the businessman-Leandro kind of talking.

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