Chapter 19 -Concert

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"The concert is a polite form of self induced torture." – Henry Miller

Leandro's POV

"So what's your plan?"

"Evade as much as possible?" I shrugged and drink my Cognac straight.

"You can't avoid him forever. Gramps always find a way to everything. He has a talent on that." Kenshin got my wine glass and refilled it.

We're at his townhouse in Batangas. It's a Spanish style mansion overlooking the magnificent Taal Volcano and the calm lake at its foot.

"So are you suggesting to face him head on? I'll do that if I'm on my own, but now Dominique is involved. I don't want her to suffer the rut of the old man."

"So you're serious about her? I thought it's just for publicity."

"Do you think I'll go that far for just a damn publicity?" I replied rather harshly.

"Ok fine, easy." He raised his hand as if in surrender. "I get it now. You're serious. Then marry her. That's the best and fastest solution to your problem."

"I wish it's as easy as that." I sighed in frustration looking straight at the wineglass in my hand as if I can find answer into it.

"You love her, right? So what's the problem?" He asked confused this time after drinking his brandy.

"She is in love with someone else, that's my problem."

To my surprise Kenshin burst out laughing. When he recovered he looked at me as if I'm the most pitiful creature living on earth.

"I can't believe this day will come. First, you're in love and not just simple in love, you got it really really bad like AIDS, untreatable."

I winced at his description. Of all the untreatable disease, he just chose AIDS?

"Second, the woman you're in love with is not crazy about you but somebody else. And third, you have no choice but to chase that woman, and I tell you man that's not your forte. With that being said, I really feel for you man, I really do." He uttered the last words with so much sympathy as if I'm terminally ill just waiting for my time to vanish while shaking his head that made me irritated.

"Who's chasing who?" Drake, one of our cousins just popped up in the bar trying to be nosy as always.

"Our cousin here, Leandro Cliff Valderama III will be chasing a woman from now on." Kenshin announced enthusiastically like of announcing the grand lotto winner.

And the gang just decided to show up at the moment, Franco and Rashid, my best friends.

"And who's the chosen one? Poor thing. Tell me her name, I should warn her." Franco butted in with the famous scornful look on his face.

Rashid just smiled at me probably holding his tongue but failed. "I'll try to guess, that's the hot babe who's involved in scandal right?"

I was about to stop the nonsense when Drake suddenly dashed out of the bar shouting "Oh shit! The anonymous."

We followed him in the living room confused. What the hell was that? What's anonymous?

And our questions were answered as we faced the life size plasma. Anonymous is a band.

"Watch them. They're so damn good. I always watched their gigs." Drake blurted out not trying to hide his excitement. He's acting like a teenage boy watching his favorite band on stage for the first time.

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