Chapter 25- Injuries

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“Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.” – Marcus Aurelius

Dominique’s POV

Holidays passed by in a blur. Blur in a sense that I can’t discern a dream from reality. Unlike any other holidays, I spent the last ones with Lean and his family not with my three best friends. It’s the first time and I felt happy and guilty at the same time. Happy because Lean was so attentive and so caring of me. True, he probably does not feel the same way as I am but I’m hundred percent certain that he really cares and that’s enough for me for now.

However, I felt guilty at the same time because that was the first time I didn’t spend those special holidays with my friends. Usually, we visit orphanage and children’s ward. But this year I made a pass and I felt really guilty about it. I know and I can feel it, they’re not so thrilled about Lean. They didn’t even call or text, which is very unusual.

Now, as I’m talking to Ms. Ferns, the wedding planner, all I can do is nod as my full concentration is on planning as to how I can make it up to them.

I will definitely make it up to them soon. I can’t just do it now or tomorrow or the next day because I’m planning for my wedding. Yes, my wedding, single not our wedding. Why? It’s because the groom always see to it that he never show himself during meetings with the wedding planner. So probably I’ll end up marrying myself.

I understand how he’s trying his best to convince his family not to get involve. It’s also as transparent as the spring water that he doesn’t want to pursue this true wedding since we can’t pursue the fake one. When it comes to me, he always wants fake. I bet even this engagement ring is fake.

So here I am as stubborn and hardheaded as I can get, talking to the wedding planner on my own, planning a wedding on my own. Maybe, I’ll walk down the aisle on my own without a groom in sight.

How pathetic.

“So it’s a princess-themed wedding then.” Ms. Ferns’ voice put back my wandering brain to where it’s supposed to be at the moment.

I nodded like a puppy in the dashboard. I just hope my frown didn’t bother her.

When did we agree it’s a princess-themed wedding? I really can’t tell.

“That would be all for today Ms. Garcia soon to be Mrs. Valderama.” She smiled at me affectionately and offered her hand for a shake. “Congratulations in advance. I’m so excited for the wedding. It’s going to be extraordinary.”

Yeah, extraordinarily bad. Never in my life had I wished for a princess-themed wedding. I want a private simple garden wedding, a solemn one. No press people to comment on how I look on my gown, how many important people are present, how our vows went, or how loud I cry et cetera…et cetera.

But the moment I decided to marry one of the sought-after bachelors who by the way is a billionaire, I instantly throw that dream. Now it will forever be as it is…a dream.

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