Chapter 13 - Questions

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Leah Morris

When Adrian called us both, he asked Jack to enter his office first. I walked back and forth nervously. Is he going to fire me? Did I do something wrong? I'm starting to stress out a little bit.

I leaned to the wall while waiting for Jack to come out. I was stressing out a little bit. After waiting for around 10 minutes, Jack walked out and he gestured me to go inside. I took a really deep breath and walked in. Adrian was wearing his glasses as he told me to sit down.

"Is everything okay?" I asked in a really careful tone.

"You'll come with me to Paris for a project." He said and I was surprised that he wanted me to come woth him.

"How about the cubes?" I asked.

"It can wait, we'll be going tomorrow night." He said and I nodded.

"How many days we will be staying there?"

"Around one or two weeks, prepare some formal dresses too. We have some party to attend and I will introduce you to some people." He said and that surprised me again. I'm his employee, why is he introducing me to his colleague?

"Anything else, Mr. Nielsen?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Oh, when we're working.. don't talk to other employee too much. We hired you not to talk during working hours." He said and I looked at him weirdly. He gestured me to go and I walked out from his office.

When I got back to my lab, Jack asked me what did Adrian say. I told him and he felt relieve because Jack was assigned to go to Swiss for a day tomorrow. I thought he was going to fired me and that made me nervous.

After a few hours working, the lab door opened revealing Aria. I got up from my seat immediately and she smiled.

"Hello everyone." She turned to greet the others and I could see Jack was star struck. He really do have a crush on her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"You're handling Xycromatte huh?" She asked and I nodded. "You won't be handling that anymore, don't worry. Me and other employee will take over on that." She said as she patted my shoulder.

"I'm glad that you found out that I already put a safety mode onto it but I have to stop you here. I have another plan on getting that people for trying to steal my Xycromatte cubes."

"Xycromatte is an amazing product, you're a genius." I said completely admiring her.

"Thankyou." She said and then she got up from her seat. She bid her goodbyes and Jack walked towards me.

"What did I do yesterday? I felt so blessed to see her again and again." Jack said and I don't blame him. Aria Nielsen is a very beautiful woman and she's a genius. If you don't like her, you have a serious problem.

After working, I went home and started to pack my things because tomorrow night I'll be leaving London. I can't wait to see Paris and can't wait to stroll around. They say Paris is the city of love, will I be able to find someone there? I was hoping my love life could be like romance movies.

Adrian mentioned about formal dresses. I don't really have a dress. Should I go shopping and find one? I really should go shopping tomorrow afternoon since tomorrow is Saturday. I don't have work tomorrow so, I guess I'm going shopping.

This make me miss my friends back in America. I have no one to ask.

I took a shower and went straight to bed because I'm so tired. Adrian has been giving me a lot of stress lately, I'm surprised that I haven't grow grey hair yet.

Adrian Nielsen

I was busy checking my emails when my chauffer stopped the car to pick Leah up at the headquarters. She greeted me when she got into the car and I just gave her a nod without looking at her.

On the ride to the airport, I was so busy checking my work that I didn't have time to interact with Leah. Once my chauffer announced that we arrive, I got out from the car and that's when I saw Leah.

She was wearing a black dress with a short white shirt. She pulled her hair up and wore a red lipstick completely different from her usually look. She made me completely speechless. She took out her luggage from the back of the car and she turned to me.

"Mr. Nielsen, the jet is ready." I turned to one of the guard who came to me and I nodded. I turned to Leah and gestured to follow me. I got in and sat down on the seat next to the window.

I saw the airstewardess helped Leah with her luggage and she thanked her. She looked at all the seats available and I gestured her to sit across me. She sat down and I instantly regreting it. Now I have to sit face to face with her for one hour and a half.

She put on her seatbelt and looked out the window. I took out my iPad and decided to distract myself with work. She's been getting into my head lately ever since I saw her in the headquarter incident.

I really need to stop hanging out with this woman. I should have take Jack instead of her to this Paris trip.

"Mr. Nielsen." She called me and I looked up to her.


"Ms. Nielsen decided to take over the Xycromatte cubes again." She said and I nodded. Aria told me yesterday and I'm glad she's taking it again.

"I know."

"May I ask.. what are we doing in Paris?" She asked.

"You'll find out later, don't ask too many questions." I said and she immediately shut her mouth.

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