Chapter 1

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All I was trying to do was reach home hastily as people rushed along the sidewalk around me. I might have even bumped into a few but at this point, I just didn't care. As my apartment building came into view a sigh of relief left me, finally I was there. At last, I was going to be home. The only thing I was glad about was it being situated in the hustle and bustle part of the city and being within walking distance of the office, only if you liked to walk. It was a time saver yet I have been unable to be back home for the last two days.

Walking into my apartment the first thing I did was fall onto the couch, a wave of exhaustion instantly hit me. Waking up early and staying at the office for days to submit plans for an event that was almost a week away may not have been the best idea.

No one said event planning was easy - the deadlines, the nagging clients, and the pressure to make everything perfect were extremely draining on employees. After the stressful day, all I wanted to do was to have a peaceful night at home, with the TV and fridge all to myself. I wasn't a lonely person, but sometimes it felt good to be alone. I barely got time to myself in the last few dates. I haven't even had a decent meal in the last two days, it was all takeouts and all. Yet again it was takeout that I had bought while

Finishing almost a series and my last packet of salt vinegar chips, I realized it was only eight p.m. Battling with myself about whether I should go to bed early or watch another series, I decided to take a bath in hopes that it would help me relax after all these busy days. While the water was running I added some essential oils to relax my body and mind.

Lowering myself into the warm water, I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt as I was in heaven as I breathed in the scents of lavender and jasmine.

In the back of my mind, I had this nagging feeling that I was forgetting something important. But I had done everything besides rest, I told myself. Unable to have anything cross my mind, I pushed the thought away and let my muscles relax in the water.

An unwanted memory from the past flashed in my mind like an unwanted visitor. It had been years since I thought of him or those days, I was in a dark place and I had no desire to revisit that place again.

It was my mother's death anniversary when he left me. I had woken up with the same feeling of dread, like all the years before ever since her death. Every year I wished the day of her death wouldn't bother me so much, but it always did. The feelings of loneliness and sadness emerge inside me.

Yet, I pushed my thoughts towards Drew. He was the only person in my life that made me happy now. I knew he was the one for me even though I had never thought of falling in love after seeing what happened with my parents.

From loving one another to tearing each other apart, I had watched it unfold in front of my eyes. My father was a devil who didn't have the courtesy to hide his affairs. All through the years, I saw the desire inside of him to hurt her for some reason.

In the blink of an eye, he changed from a good father to a father I hated. Every time Mom used to be out, he would bring women home, and warn me not to tell Mom. I wasn't an idiot; I knew what happened behind the closed doors from the voices that could be heard throughout the house. He wanted me to hide his secret but I told Mom the very first time it happened only to be stunned by the knowledge that she knew. He made her bleed by bringing women home in front of her. The first time I saw the blood I had puked on the floor.

I saw her misery and watched the pain become unbearable to the point where she almost killed herself. My father ruined our family, while I was stuck between two parents who didn't love each other anymore. I thought that having Drew in my life wouldn't make me feel so lonely. I was wrong, anxiety clawed on my insides.

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