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"Sir, you two will be a great couple. Stay strong on your relationship!" Gulf's last remaining student in the classroom cheered, and it made him show a wide smile. "Thank you Mae, be careful on your way home." Gulf replied as she walked on her way outside the classroom, the skies are getting darker so Gulf should hurry home.

It was a stressful day for Gulf, but knowing that Mew will visit him makes all the negative thoughts away, he can finally give him hugs and kisses, or can receive. All those interactions with Mew means a lot to him, also accidentally meeting his friend at the cafe, he's really handsome than he thought, but he can also tell that his boyfriend is way more handsome than Kaownah. Today, there are many reasons why Gulf should think positive.

On his way home, he suddenly thought of Mew smiling as he approached him with open arms, he couldn't help it but to smile like a man who just took some drugs.

A love drug perhaps.

The skies are getting darker, the streets are getting busier than earlier, and Gulf enjoyed the view that surrounds him, a happy day indeed.

I should prepare something for Mew, maybe foods.

Gulf thought.

Gulf stopped at a convenience store, thinking if he should buy some foods just in case Mew will take his dinner at his house, or just a simple little snack. On his way to the store, he encountered a familiar man, and the other unfamiliar man. "Oh, hi." It was Kaownah.

"Hi, we met again. And... Your friend?" Gulf asked as he pointed at the other man beside Kaownah, the man immediately offered his hand for a handshake. "I'm Mild, Kaownah's friend. You must be Gulf, Kaownah always talks about you." Gulf just smiled at the two, he doesn't know what to reply to it. "Oh, okay... So how's your day by the way?"

"It's fine as usual, how about yours?"

"A bit fine, a tiring day as usual." Gulf answered. "So what brings you here?" Kaownah asked, trying to break the awkward atmosphere. "I'm buying something for Mew." Gulf gave him a smile, making Kaownah smile as well. "Oh, who's Mew? Is he your friend?"

"No, he's my--"

"Kaownah, we better hurry up, it's getting really dark." Mild said, cutting Gulf's answer. "O-Oh, sorry Gulf but I guess w have to get going." Gulf just smiles at Kaownah, the two smiled at Gulf as well. "It's okay, be careful on your way home Kaownah, you too Mild."

"You too, it was nice talking to you in person Gulf, I hope that we can meet again soon." Kaownah said, making Gulf smile in response. "Yeah, it was really nice talking to you. See you soon, I guess."

"I'll call or message you later." Gulf nodded at Kaownah's words before the two waved him goodbye. Then Gulf proceeded on his way, buying foods to prepare for Mew. It was a good day for Gulf, his great time with his students as usual, he and Mew talked for how many days of being busy and now he's going to visit him, and of course he met his friend Kaownah, with his buddy Mild. "Well what should I buy?" He mumbled while his thumb was touching his chin, pouting as he looked around. Seconds later, he spotted a box of chocolates and cookies, he was attracted at the box so he decided to get it.

It's cute, I'm sure that he'll like this.

He thanked the cashier as he finished paying for the things he bought, today really is his happy day.

He was walking peacefully, looking around at his surroundings, waving at few people, and also thinking about some random things. While on his way home, he noticed something behind him, not actually a 'something' but a someone, it's a kid. "Mister?" Gulf was sure that he's the one being called, so he turned around, only to see a cute little boy behind him, holding something really familiar to him. "Yes?" Gulf asked in a gentle tone, he has a soft spot for kids. "You dropped this, I know that this was yours since I saw it fell from your pocket." It was his wallet, and he felt relieved that it was a kind kid who found his wallet. "Oh my, thank you. You're a good boy kid, your parents will be very proud of you."

"My parents are already dead, I live with my aunt now."

The area was now filled with awkward silence, those words that he heard from the kid was not the one he was expecting. "Oh... I'm sorry." The kid just smiled at Gulf's response. "It's okay mister, my aunt loves me anyway, and I know that my parents love me too even though I can't see them anymore." Gulf was so proud of how strong the kid is, even though his parents left him too early, he can still manage to think positive thoughts. "Yeah, so be a good boy always okay?" The kid nodded at his words before walking away, Gulf continued to walk on his way home as well.

"Aah, I should prepare something for dinner, maybe Mew will be here in a few minutes." Gulf whined as he hurriedly opened the fridge to cook for a nice dinner, for him and of course for Mew. He was humming as he listens to the meat getting fried, water boiling and the music that was playing on his phone. And right after he put his masterpiece on the table, he received a message, it was from Mew.

What if he's on his way here?

He quickly opened the message, and he realized that the message was so upsetting.


I can't go there, I'm busy.

8:13 pm

"Oh..." He then looked at the food on the table, the food he prepared for Mew. He was upset, but he do understand his situation, holding a huge company would have such big responsibilities.

Gulf 😘

Okay ;)

8:13 pm

He stared at the food for a few seconds.

Guess I have to eat all of this alone.

And as Gulf sat down on his chair, his phone rang, and Kaownah's name appeared on the screen, he called.

"Hey Kaownah."

"Hey Gulf. You sound sad, you sad?"

Gulf was a bit surprised why Kaownah noticed his tone, did he really care for him that much? "No, I'm just upset. And I don't wanna talk about it right now I'm sorry."

"It's fine! So, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet..."

"Oh my, you should eat. We can talk while we were eating, I'm going to eat right now too."

He heard Kaownah chuckle, so he chuckled as well. Gulf agreed on Kaownah's deal, so there, they were talking about random things, laughing at each other's jokes and sharing their past experiences. "You know what Kaownah, I am thankful that I met you, I am thankful that you dialed the wrong number." Kaownah on the other line chuckled as he heard Gulf chuckle.

"I am thankful too Gulf, well, I've got some work to do, goodbye for now."

"Bye." Then Gulf hung up. His upsetting night faded away because of his friend, and he's thankful for it.

Kaownah makes me feel that I'm worthy enough.

Gulf smiled as he piled the plates and washed them.

Author's MFing note: HI LMAOOO it's been months since I published a chapter, I'm sorry I just lost motivation. Hope you guys are doing well, stay safe!💚

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